Do you know this?

  • Did you know that north americans badmouth other countries and place them in various
    categories through their self proclaimed measurement scales; whereas the north american
    economy is incapable of sustaining themselves, so they go for murdering people in other countries to steal their wealth; and falsify media through total lies to dupe people to come to oh so paradise country Canada with their big money so that Canadians can survive;
    and they will generate schemes that will portray them as helpers, however, their helping schemes are more to extract wealth of other countries for themselves and their burgeoning greedy consumerism than for anything else, and north americans behave racistly, uncouthly,
    and uncivilizedly with immigrants who are not white and who are not nodding silently as cowards of north american policies and attitudes. With their wrong doings of racism and pre and post 911 intolerance of immigrants exposed, north americans use see through wall devices to target and harass immigrants in north america, using see through wall devices from neighborhood and through passing cars to see through walls of immigrants homes and drive wastefully and arrogantly around for every living movement of the immigrants inside their homes, including females and males, including in bathroom and toilet. However, they attempt to judge immigrants through see through wall technological devices in the name of post 911, and use it to harass immigrants living their daily lives. Using these devices, living, breathing, eating, sleeping, toilet, household chores, sexual activities, masturbation and body movements of female and male immigrants is prohibited in the name of
    keeping a strict watch on the movements of immigrants post 911; for every body movement of immigrants inside their owned or rented homes or apartments, neighborhood nonsense and harassment prevails violating immigrants privacy and human rights; whereas the their bony assed lickers, are given these illegal equipments through connivance of cops and their
    police state who cannot bear immigrants but only want the money, brains of immigrants and other countries. That is the downsliding quality inside of north america, not much of which is portrayed to the outside world through corporate controlled duping mainstream
    media. Volunteers are welcome to circulate these
    informations to those whom it might be helpful, to be aware of these ugly factors prevailing within north america. It seems the north american forgotten many of their teachings, e.g., 'Thou shalt have no other Gods but one', 'Do unto others as you would have others do unto you', etc.

    Burke, J. & Warren, P. (2002). How mobile phones let spies see our every move. The
    Observer, October 13. Retrieved April 3, 2006, from,6903,811027,00.html

    Bush, Steve. (2002, August 12). Radar with Cell Phones? Look at CellDar. Retrieved,
    November 29, 2006, from

    Bush, Steve. (2006, November 17). Police will use radar to see through walls. Electronics
    Weekly. Retrieved December 22, 2006, from

    Chan, Hans, H. (1999, June 4). Cops have eyes on x-ray vision. New technology would let
    police see through walls. New York: Retrieved December 22, 2006, from

    Hearn, Kelly. (2001, April 18). High tech cop tools see through walls. United Press
    International cited on Retrieved September 29, 2006, from

    Hunt, A., Tillery, C., & Wild, N. (2001). Through-the-wall surveillance technologies.
    Corrections Today, 63(4), p. 132.

    Jones, Willie. D. (2005, November). No place to hide: Portable radar devices see through
    walls and report what’s inside. IEEE Spectrum Online. Retrieved November 29, 2006, from

    McGowan, Dave. (2000, June). Sony’s Magic cameras. Retrieved December 19, 2006, from

    Miles, Donna (2006, January 3). New device will sense through concrete walls. American
    Forces Information Service. US Department of Defense. Retrieved December 19, 2006, from

    Sanders, Jane (2001, April 12). Flash of force: Radar flashlight could help police detect
    suspects hiding behind doors and 8-inch thick walls. Georgia Institute of Technology
    Research News. Retrieved December 19, 2006, from

    Simonite, Tom. (2006, November 14). Compact radar tracks movement through a wall. New
    Scientist. Retrieved December 19, 2006, from

    This new radar can see through walls. Retrieved December 22, 2006, from

    A search of through the wall surveillance will reveal plenty of additional material. Also see You are welcome to share this information with your colleagues, friends, relatives, locally and worldwide. North americans and Canadians are incapable of living up to doing unto others as they would have others do unto them.

    Jelena 17 Feb 2007, 06:46 - Denuncia
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Guia Telefonica en Canada (Directorio Telefonico)

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