Hi Laura - i would love to share with you

  • Laura

    I am a 23 year old female who wants to share a flat. I am starting a masters in september in Utrecht. However I would be interested in moving any time from mid-august.
    I only got my place in the course 3 days ago and so I have to quickly find accommodation! It has been proving very difficult but as you say, not too expensive if enough people share.
    I'm also a native english speaker (I am Irish) I'm into music, art, movies and languages.I also speak Spanish. I am very keen to learn Dutch and I am really interested in meeting new people.
    I would love to hear your answer!
    my email address is: [email removed]


    Rachel 14 jun 2009, 08:00 - Denunciar
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Anybody want to share in Utrecht?

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