Re.Nar & Phu trek in Nepal

  • Hi George,

    Thank you very much for your inquiry regarding the Nar & Phu Trek in Nepal. Hey you have chosen totally new trekking estination which was just opened few years ago. Well, this trek can be combined with sevral trekking destinations, like start from Humde and end in Besisahar, or start from Humde and end by Jomsom passing Thorong Pass. Normally our team leads the trek from Besisahar, Nar & Phu Village then Kang La pass base camp by passing 5240M. You shall be perfectly fit to trek this route since this category of trek falls into strenous trek ! let us know if you are need of more info...

    Laser Travel and Tours 20 Jul 2009, 05:23 - Report
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Tours and Trekking in Nepal

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