2 Thai Civil-Irrigation Engineer looking for a job

  • We are Thai Civil -Irrigation Engineer (18 months in experiences) looking for a job.
    Please help us!!!! We can help for any jobs or anything we can do for you sir, for 8 hr/day.

    We need salary at 30,000 AUD $/month and we need free

    Accommodation (we can stay together) include 3 meals/day.

    Please send me an e-mail if you want to know the detail want we and do for you sir.
    My nick name is Lookmoo (I can speak English)
    My boyfriend's name Fiat. (He can not speak English that the reason he come for learn English in real life.) you can hire him at 8,000 AUD $ per month

    We need help!! Soon as possible sir.

    We will do the best for you all we can do for you sir.

    e-mail: [email removed]
    call +66 02-9627504

    Thank you for the opportunity Sir.

    Kojmanee 10 Jan 2009, 08:35 - Report
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