I am looking for a job in any field in Nicosia.I am a student of Americanos college Nicosia Ii'ml ooking any kind of work part time or (night)job in Nicosia.you can reach me on the number
Thank you.
Please call : 99392783fadahunsi seun david 18 Jun 2009, 07:39 - Verstoß melden
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Part-time house cleaner
- Looking for part time job
- interested for part time house cleaner.
- part time job
- I want to jod
- I looking for part time job
- looking for part time job
- I M interested for part time house cleaner.
- I looking for part time job
- Looking for job in any sector
- looking part time job
- student
- stunent
- wanting a part time job in cleaning
- I'm interested in the job
- Looking for experienced part time house keeper, Singaporean, PR, Female
- I am looking partime Job
- I am lookink a second time jobs after 2p.m
- For the job
- im interested
- im intersted again
- i need work toful fill my fees
- i need part time job to fulfil college fees
- full time job
- looking for job
- we are cleaners house, i need job
- hi
- cleaner baby sitting nanny
- need work to run my study
- Painting
- parttime job wanted after september
- seeking a cleaning job in larnaca
- for any job
- any kind of work
- HI
- i want to walk
- Hello
- Hello
- Need Housemaid in Paphos
- interested for part time house cleaners
- looking for a part time job
- I need a cleaner in the nicosia area
- APPLY NOW/.....
- Hi
- Need Housemaid in Paphos
- Need Housemaid in Paphos....I am interested
- I am needy for a job
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