Language exchange partner

  • language exchange website --

    Not sure if you guys have seen this website --

    It seems like you can find language partners pretty quickly on it. I registered, and got a bunch of invitations. It's pretty easy to start chatting and get people's contact info. Right now it's mainly Chinese people on the site, so English (or other) speakers have an advantage in finding people to study with.

    shary 12 十月 2007, 05:40 - 举报滥用
这些论坛不再有效。要发布一个新论坛,请访问我们的新 加拿大 论坛.

English / Mandarin exchange in Toronto

这些论坛不再有效。要发布一个新论坛,请访问我们的新 加拿大 论坛.