You should be asking an 'on-the-ground' expert!

  • Relocation from Toronto to Calgary.

    You need to engage an expert in the city that will assist you find your ideal community.

    Knowing where NOT to look is just as important in that process.

    Contact a Relocation Management firm that can manage and assist with the entire process:

    NuPAD Solutions Canada -

    Best Regards!

    Anonymous 08 四月 2006, 10:03 - 举报滥用
这些论坛不再有效。要发布一个新论坛,请访问我们的新 加拿大 论坛.

Bad neighborhoods in Calgary?

这些论坛不再有效。要发布一个新论坛,请访问我们的新 加拿大 论坛.