HELP! Couple (working students) seeks suitable/affordable flat in city centre ASAP
Goedemiddag! So, desperate times calls for desperate measures ...
So here's the deal: Hey there, my name is Garin, and I'm a 22-year-old New Yorker and Master's student studying in Leiden and living/working in Amsterdam. For the time being, I work at a coffee-to-go (Greendayz Coffee) on the Warmoestraat and I live in Bijlmermeer. My boyfriend for more than a year is a 25-year-old Dutch boy called Leslie; he is finishing his study at the HvA, and he works as an air-steward (Turkish Airlines) at Schiphol and lives in the containers at Spaklerweg.
My lease in the Bijlmer expires at the end of this month, and because I chose to register with the Gemeente, my sketchy landlord is kicking me out. Les and I have exhausted ourselves looking for a place further into the centre, but everything we've found is either already rented, outrageously unaffordable, or a shit-hole. We're not incredibly picky, but we do have some financial restrictions. Because my time is running out, I'm going to have to move into his container temporarily while we continue searching.
His place is very, very small, and having our first experience of living together under such conditions will not be good for my sanity, or for our relationship. I need my space! So we're needing some help. We've exhausted friends and colleagues, and we've been staying on top of websites like altijdwonen, directwonen, kamernet, etc. We're even willing to pay a finder's fee for the right (gezellig) place. If necessary, we could put together a couple thousand Euros down, but the monthly rent must be reasonable.
This is where you come in! Have you heard of anything? Can you give us some tips, or spread the word? I'm a (vegetarian) cook and an artist, I'd be happy to make a lavish dinner or paint a canvas in your honor if your tip secures us a place! Our main criteria are that the place (1) cannot be in Amsterdam Noord, (2) cannot be more than €1100/maand inclusief, (3) cannot be outside the Ring, and (4) cannot be temporary. We'd love a place with a nice living room, a balcony, and an inclusive monthly rent, but with these we're more flexible.
Thank you for taking the time to read this; feel free to pass it on or email me for more info. Doei!Cheers.
PS: To connect names and faces, see this photo of us (Les on left; me on right): Lug 2009, 03:02 Garin J Wind