French Girls
People say french girls are some of the prettiest in the world is that true?
13 juin 2007, 12:12 Joey
french girl comments
im i guess i can take this as a complient..thanx =]
jalbsuimh 20 oct 2008, 04:35 - Signaler un abus -
yaeh of cors i like the french girl they are a engel ore more than that i'm gonna marry ther that's what i want to bay the wey my msn is [email removed] .thaks....
mahdy 21 oct 2008, 11:39 - Signaler un abus -
okay this is sad
hello? um what about american girls? they are damn hot!
AMERICANLOVER 25 oct 2008, 02:12 - Signaler un abus -
i want same frends if you want
youni 03 nov 2008, 03:11 - Signaler un abus -
Stop generalizing please.
"American girls are smart and open..we know about world politics and economy, we understand fashion as well as how financial market is working..." Wow, As if ALL the American girls were smart and ALL the French girls were stupid... You're just generalizing. I'm a French girl and I perfectly understand economy, finance, social events... Besides I live in France so I can tell you that a lot of us understand those things =).
Laura 09 nov 2008, 08:51 - Signaler un abus -
On est fiers de nos Françaises!
Hi! I'm French and I do agree with you! Our french girls are seductive and pretty little charmers! For those who can read French, check this out :
It's a journalist who interviewed foreigners who spent some days in france to know what they think of French girl. Praises guaranteed of course! ^^Yoann 12 nov 2008, 02:45 - Signaler un abus -
came on, Argentinian girls are the best
do you ever visit argentina? there are the most buatuful gilrs in the world.
Zippo 13 nov 2008, 02:12 - Signaler un abus -
kirghiz boy
Coucou !!!
qui veut faire la connaissance avec un jeune homme kirghize qu'il a 18 ans. je veux faire la connaissance avec french girls, et ameliorer mon francais!!!!
[email removed]Kirghiz boy 14 nov 2008, 07:02 - Signaler un abus -
I am joey from Pakistan my name is tehreem i am 12 years old i read in the school of the educators elite campus.
tehreem 19 nov 2008, 03:19 - Signaler un abus -
i love the chat with the girls in europe mon msn [email removed]
hakim 20 nov 2008, 10:35 - Signaler un abus -
i want to come to faranc for vacation and i need someone to be with me
ali 22 nov 2008, 09:43 - Signaler un abus -
french and italian girls should learn from south america
Italian and french girls are the same. They're obsessed by fashion and shopping. Their bodies are absolutely the same, their hair the same, their skin the same, their bottom the same! A venice blonde girl is the same than a paris blonde girl, a brunette from tuscany looks like a copy of a brunette of provence. It's so boring! Beautiful french/italy girls feel themselves as gods! French/italian girls are actually pretty but I prefer the style of girls from South America, they are more modest and they don't behaviour as actess or models. Another thing... it's true that italian/french girls drink a lot! So a scene as this ( are very frequent in italy or french, and i don't think it's so sexy!
Andrea 23 nov 2008, 09:59 - Signaler un abus -
dear girls..
slovak girls is the best beautiful girls,,all peple know...xbernyx 26 nov 2008, 02:31 - Signaler un abus -
See those girls here.
This is the one i should marry.guilhesas 28 nov 2008, 05:50 - Signaler un abus -
hello every bd i'm from agadir cuty in morrocco my name's abderrahim 27years my msb [email removed]
abderrahim 29 nov 2008, 08:12 - Signaler un abus -
French are at least ,one of the best !!
I have lived in france for a long time,I know many french girls as well as Italians,Croatian,Russian,Japanees,Korean and some from middle east.I have been so close to some of them,specially french beautiful girls,I must admit that getting close to French is much more difficult than others,French girls are very kind and lovely but independent and with a wide personal sphere! it means than they don`t permit every body to get enter to their personal life easily and in one day !!(I`m talking about French girls from good families and well educated !)but if you get succeed to be close to them,you will discover an utmost kindness and honesty in their behavior even if you are a foreigner! If they trust in you,you will find them lovely,like a real sister !!of course if you are lucky you find a sweet girlfriend ! But I should say that,beautiful French girls always have some French boys follow them !!so hard to reach the heart of a girl as his boyfriend !! anyway it is not impossible,then you will see how they are kind
Erf 01 déc 2008, 01:14 - Signaler un abus -
aie aie aie !
je suis français et je peux vous dire que les françaises sont trop belles, sisi bon après comme partout il y a des cadavres ! mais c'est rare ! elles ont toutes du charme... voilà pourquoi les français sont fier il ya de quoi avec une si belle culture ! f*** le fn
french boy 15 déc 2008, 10:17 - Signaler un abus -
Girls in poland
Im from Poland,and we got plenty of beautiful and sexy girls but there is something wrong with character of those girls, its a tragedy! imagine my friends,a beautiful girl but very cold,they think about money to much as well.
Thats what is missing its that they not very hot,thats something wrong in their behaviour,I see demoralization in this girls,maybe its due too our sad history..and this demoralization cames with soviet army and poverty
I think I will go to france and try to meet some french girl, I had one in London yr ago, she was great ! The conversation with her was a pleasure for me !! I dont have it with polish girls.. even if they looks like playboy models..
And maybe it will be a good turn of family history because Im a descendant of a Bonaparte's soldier who walks back to france from russia after when they loose war and he stayed in eastern Poland
Wish me luck my friends :-PGokK 15 déc 2008, 11:57 - Signaler un abus -
German girls
and those german ones-their curvy body!... They're always coiffured becomingly, are always as bonny as you wish girls to be...
Gretchen 24 déc 2008, 02:45 - Signaler un abus -
Pretiest Girls
Alright im from Greece but i've almost been everywhere.For sure the prettiest and most sexy girls are the french.Now who can resist their beauty in combination of the french language.Here's my top10 list:
2.Canada (most of them look like french girls)
3.United States
10.Greecegeorge 28 déc 2008, 09:41 - Signaler un abus -
French girls smoke heavily. It's big turn off when a cute girl smells tobaco. When it comes to beauty; I think it's the Iranian girls. Did u notice?
Quazi Hussain 30 déc 2008, 01:02 - Signaler un abus -
Romanian girls...
madman 03 jan 2009, 08:20 - Signaler un abus -
les filles francaise, je pense est l'essence de tous ce qui est francais, la sofistication, la complexite,le style, les fromages - tout trois cent cinquante d'eux. et n'oubliez pas le vin. si il y a une filles francaise qui d'accord avec ca, laissez moi une ligne. je vous attend.
Nique 13 jan 2009, 08:36 - Signaler un abus -
to the french we are
french girls are not stuck up but we are not inclined to pour out our hearts to just anybody not even our 'girlfriends', what is not said is even more important that what is said and we would just prefer to leave our private matters just that. private. we're far too comfortable this way to disturb it and for what to have to worry on whether or not anyone has said anything? i think the only people allowed to speak of french people are french. Anyone else knows nothing of our culture and that's just fine with us. so pardon us if our standoffishness is offensive. If you do not like us there's no need to converse it obviously does not bother us. as for french girls being the prettiest in the world there's no such thing as one dominant culture being the most fair every culture has their own qualities they find arousing an individual may have they're own as well. they french pride quite confidence dark hair fair skin petite frames tall or small and of course enough strength to keep ones self together and not all over the place.
colette 23 jan 2009, 08:49 - Signaler un abus -
I am an Arab young man from Saudi Arabia each year to visit France quite frankly what is the best country in the world with respect for all and also have very pretty girls and the French people are very decent people, and intellectuals in Europe now, some of a racist as I visited many European countries, but France, the best falling begrudged their daughters, as well as beautiful, fabulous fashion independents "and know the sex of the best Italian and Swedish CAPS as if they were the first time to become involved, and I love a girl and respect the French-Arab racism, not like some of the European countries that do not want to provide her name, but why do not recognize the beauty of France and the girls and I say that all its people and where I had exercised more 2000 was a sexual relationship Vafrencat much Imitank to imagine beyond what you believe me, and I want to do with E-mail through the French girl you want it, please Email me
sami 24 jan 2009, 11:24 - Signaler un abus -
salut . c'est elie, du liban ,j'ai 21 ans' je cherche pour un chat avec une fille francophone entre 17 et 21 ans
elie 26 jan 2009, 06:35 - Signaler un abus -
prettiest girls
YaLL people the prettiest girls are in bulgaria I'm tell'n you
Sure french girls r awsome I agree caus I love onJiK TAk PaK I PAk BaBiE 05 fév 2009, 01:11 - Signaler un abus -
Frec girls are beautifull but they're arrogant en don't like people from other country's, american girls cn be pretty but certainy not like the french one's, and sorry but I think the americans are not that smart, i find em really dumb.
eloodie 08 fév 2009, 12:51 - Signaler un abus -
Argentina fools
Hands down, for Western European looking girls, Argentina is the best. 08 fév 2009, 09:48 - Signaler un abus -
Yeah, trust me French girls are the best.
I love traveling, Australia, Asia, America, Italy..and France. Yeah, they are just, so sweet, so cute, so intelligent, sensitive, and this accent is just too charming.
french guy don't deserve this most beautiful present of the Nature.
I didnt find mine, but I swear, I could fall in love with so many French Girls that I met.
And, if we just talk about beauty, Sweden girls are quiet charming too, for people who likes blonds (Im definitively "brunettes"but they are so impetuous, arrogant..they thinks that they are better, and makes eyes with you just for a drink..
while french girls are sexy, honest.....LOVELYandr 15 fév 2009, 08:35 - Signaler un abus -
La France et ses Françaises !
I can tell you that French girl are the best !
This a short list of why you will obviously love them :
1) They have french accent !
2) They have good "maniéres" and good education, 'cause in France it's really important to know how to be in society !
3) They are intelligent !
4) Pretty, beautiful, cutte, . . .
5) They know great cooking stuff
6) They lived in the most beautiful country :France
7) They have a great style, and best designer, (Dior, Chanel, Givenchy, Yves-Saint Laurent,Louis Vuitton, . . .) Since they were born they were educated to be always dressed up to always have a good-looking !
8) They first seems to be impolite and rude, but they're actually not ! French education is different than our, they were learn no to show-off and not to disturb people, in France don't wait people to come but go to them !
9)They are so romantic !
10) Good Christian !
11) It's kind of not the subject but as I used to date a French girl, when we broke up, I was so sad . . .Scott 15 fév 2009, 11:10 - Signaler un abus -
French girls in their 15-20 are sick ! Those in their 20+ are ok I supose. I am french and I am 17 years old and I live in england only since may 2008, and , the main reason why I moved was the bihaviour of damn french people. I was shoked when I first went to college and a boy held a door for me lol So no wonder why the small amout of nice french girls are shy and stuck . Most of French guys are idiots and I am soooo glad to have left the country. They are rude and not really respectfull. And girls whant to show they are elegant but they ain't.
Briana 19 fév 2009, 01:39 - Signaler un abus -
Sensualitée française
Dans les relations, Les femmes françaises, pour une bonne partie, sont toujours à la recherche de nouvelles conquêtes. Elles n'ont la, pas beaucoup plus d'immagination que les hommes! c'est dommage car une grande part de la sensualité des françaises disparait ainsi.
Seb57 23 fév 2009, 05:38 - Signaler un abus -
baveciwan 28 fév 2009, 08:06 - Signaler un abus -
Australians are the hottest in the world!
Aussies are hot in a bikini,
love a laugh,
love a beer,
and love the beach!
honestly they are down to earth and by far the nicest in the women world.
By the way they have good tans!
sorry but french ppl are to pale and anorexic!! 08 mars 2009, 04:00 - Signaler un abus -
Nepal is the most wonderful destination for Nature Lovers!
Sebastien 19 mars 2009, 10:35 - Signaler un abus -
cherche fille
s ils vous plais je suis un jeun marocain j ai 26 ans je cherche une fille pour la correspondance ....qui aime les marocain ...apres suivre d un marriage....amazigh 19 mars 2009, 05:03 - Signaler un abus -
looking for chat with euroupienne girls
im working in libya im looking for girs phroncophonaise euroup ...i have 26 years old msn < [email removed]>
or < [email removed]>berbere 19 mars 2009, 05:16 - Signaler un abus -
cherche fille europienne
je suis marocain je cherche une fille euroupienne pour ma vie ,,,[email removed]amazigh 19 mars 2009, 05:32 - Signaler un abus -
yes but they haven't got only qualities...
Ok, we must all admit most of them are very attractive, but hey people, trust me, they don't know hygene!!! France is strangely known as the country of cleanness and perfume and all that business,... LOL! I assure you it's not!
A lot of French girls I know decide to have a shower just when they feel they've become enough dirty to have one! so, some have it twice a week, others have it once a week, it depends. And when you ask them how they do to still smell so nice, they reply : "we've got perfume! and that's sufficient". Perfume is their remedy...Seraphina 19 mars 2009, 08:57 - Signaler un abus -
listen to me!!
all women are beautiful!!!
i love them all.
it is just as simple as that.
but the french girls... yes they are special.oidem 20 mars 2009, 12:58 - Signaler un abus -
aqui nadie habla spanish plis
hello how are you ineed people in spanish........
saray 20 mars 2009, 10:01 - Signaler un abus -
best answer
French girls are really good and they have beautiful body shape and they also wear good looking cloths too. be sure
best answer 21 mars 2009, 02:16 - Signaler un abus -
ahora hablemos de las mujeres mas feas del mundo
quien empieza??? ahh??jejejej 24 mars 2009, 10:05 - Signaler un abus -
Spanish girls pretty? HAHAHAHAHAAHHA most of them have moustaches and are quite short and many fat.
American girls are mostly fat and really loud also dumb dumb dumb but really dumb, just plain ignorant about the world.
pleasejetta 27 mars 2009, 09:21 - Signaler un abus -
teke the best
nadal 04 avr 2009, 04:20 - Signaler un abus -
Totally wrong!
I m answering to that silly stereoptyped and useless comment (probably from somebody who never had a French girl in his bed!" "
A lot of French girls I know decide to have a shower just when they feel they've become enough dirty to have one! so, some have it twice a week, others have it once a week, it depends. And when you ask them how they do to still smell so nice, they reply : "we've got perfume! and that's sufficient". Perfume is their remedy..."
By far ,(I lived in France for about 15 years) the French girls are the one caring the most about hygiene in Europe and not to say in the US! This "legend" is as hollow as the one saying German girls never shave or saying all Americans are retards and obeses... Lets make it clear , the people consuming the more soap per year are tje French people , and be sure , everytime I had the chance to date or even make friends with them ; they always were more than clean ! More even than Japanese girls I dated that are supposed to be oh so clean...Which is a stereotype as well...
French people are ultra clean , taking about 2 to 3 showers a day , their houses are so clean you could eat on their toilet seats....So seriously , get a French girl before writing all that "made" stuff...Stephen from NJ 09 avr 2009, 06:55 - Signaler un abus -
french girls
Oh my god heather ! what a cliché !
All the french girls are not dumb!
You probably met a dumb girl but that doesn't mean that we all are stupid...florence 12 avr 2009, 05:48 - Signaler un abus -
yes, French girls are the best
I am a english guy and i need to travel a lot due to my job. i have to say french girls are indeed very special. i have met a lot of french women, in their 40s but still look amazing. compare to american and british girls, who are famous for their aging fast...sorry to say that, but it's true...most of the british girls that i know, after 25 years old (they look best between 17 - 25) they start to have bad skin and losing shape.
i like chinese girls and japanese girls too, some girls that i worked with look really young, they look 20s when actually they are already more than 35!matthew 13 avr 2009, 12:41 - Signaler un abus -
aus girl
i am a man in my late 30s, from my experience, Australian girls grow old real fast, probably because too much sun, so i also prefer french or asian.
adam 13 avr 2009, 12:45 - Signaler un abus
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