Looking Job In Dubai

  • Dear Sir/Madam
    I am Mateen From Lahore,(Pakistan) & want to do Job in Dubai as a graphic Desginer/Computer Opprater, I will very Thanx Full to you If you will give me a chance of Bright My Future,

    Working Skill:
    1) Adobe Photo Shop (5-5.5-6-7-8)
    2) Coral Draw (8-9-10-11-12)
    3) Inpage
    4) Ms. Word – Ms. Excel – Ms. Power Point
    5) Flash

    Other Experience:

    1) Installation windows 98, 2000, Xp etc.
    2) Installation Every kind software
    3) Hardware Management

    My E-mail Address is
    [email removed]
    Cell: 0092-304-4177342

    Thanx You Again

    Rana Mateen 16 avr 2007, 07:52 - Signaler un abus
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Looking for a job

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