germany sucks
it is over, Germany is full with nazis, and the east germany sucks.
It is ugly (not all), dirty and the ppl always sad... (not everybody but a 95% YESSSS)
i cant understand them, why can´t they enjoy the life???
Sorry but germany sucks.11 mar 2007, 02:10 new york man
some russian in gaymany
Goldrausch 25 abr 2009, 11:03 - Denunciar -
ein deutscher der mich Schwein nennt.
Pass mal lieber auf deine Schwester auf.
Sonst kommen Mahmud und Igor. :psome russian in gaymany 26 abr 2009, 10:09 - Denunciar -
Wieso denn?
Wie hätte ich dich denn sonst nennen sollen?
Schwein passt gut zu euch Visagen des Ostblocks.
Und eine Schwester habe ich nicht!Goldrausch 26 abr 2009, 04:02 - Denunciar -
@ Goldrausch
Seit ein paar Wochen bemühe ich mich, hier eine halbwegs niveauvolle Diskussion zu führen, und dann kommen solche Nasen wie du hier an, die nichts besseres zu tun haben, als ihren verbalen Müll abzulassen!!!
@ some russian in germany
deine Kommentare gehen mir übrigens genauso auf den Sack!!!the happy german 26 abr 2009, 05:24 - Denunciar -
damned germans! write in english,bunch of nazis! what are you talking here! i dont understand one word in your damned german language,aka barbarian language!
WRITE IN ENGLISH HERE,FOR EVERYBODY KNOW WHAT ARE YOU TALKING!german hater 26 abr 2009, 07:02 - Denunciar -
Macht mal was gegen die Moslems, dann können wir euch auch leiden.
Aber solche Schwuchteln wie ihr im Moment seid braucht echt niemand.some russian in gaymany 26 abr 2009, 08:07 - Denunciar -
@ german hater
I just wrote to "Goldrausch" and "Some Russian", that they should stop their infantile verbal slander.
BTW, "verbal slander": Stop your intellectually undemanding comments. I am not inured to such unobjective controversies.the happy german 26 abr 2009, 09:02 - Denunciar -
Ob du mich leiden kannst oder nicht,geht mir am Arsch vorbei.
Besser isses sogar,wenn du mich nicht magst.
Ich möchte nicht von Russen gemocht werden.
Dann lieber vom gesamten Rest der Welt Ami-Arschkriecher.Goldrausch 27 abr 2009, 12:19 - Denunciar -
und jetzt verpiss dich
aus diesem Forum und aus Deutschland.
Ich hab kein Bock mich mit dir zu beschäftigen.
Das ist Energieverschwendung.
Ich geh jetzt eine Russin knallen.
Tschüss RussenschweinGoldrausch 27 abr 2009, 12:24 - Denunciar -
Klaus, my old friend!
Aw, you sure know how to hurt a girl! I'm not insecure a bit about my name, in fact I'm kinda proud it's so unique sounding. Thanks for the tip about the paper bag, though. I didn't know people wear one when given strange names. Then again, it may make ..ah.. coitus a little more exciting, if you dig that kind of thing.
Anyway, I'm pretty neutral when it comes to comparing the CULTURE between Uncle Sam and Germany. Culture... changes over time, you see. I'm sorry you didn't know that. BTW, I am half-Frenchy, although I've lived in the West all my life.
I said in my last post that I despise the GOVERNMENTS of the two aforementioned countries, moreso the USA's one, due to various reasons beyond the scope of this discussion. It's a political thing.
I still stand by my statement of this whole thread being funny... because it is. You get anti-Americans and anti-Germans taking the piss out of each other, ha ha.
Hey! Attention all neo-Nazis and white supremacists and people of similar ilk, come in and join the fun! Amuse us all with your arguments! Don't thank me, thank dear Klaus and his/her/its jaw-dropping statement that one must conform to a country's culture in order to fit in! Woah, I so did not know that!
BTW Klaus, I think I'll need your map.Tomia Muset 27 abr 2009, 07:17 - Denunciar -
Some german 27 abr 2009, 10:14 - Denunciar -
I Love Germany
I am from the USA and I just returned from Germany vacation. It was my first time ever out of the USA and I loved every minute of it. Not one single place I went did I ever have a hard time or get any mean attitude because I only speak English. Everyone in Frankfurt was very willing to speak English as best they could and everyone was friendly and helpful. Everyone goes about with their life and minds their own business, which in America everyone minds every one elses business, but in Germany they do not bother you. But ask a question, or ask for some help and they are warm and friendly people and I fell in love with Germany and will be back many more times in the future.
Russell Dutra 28 abr 2009, 05:15 - Denunciar -
21st century Asian-American
Yo! YO! What’s up! WHAT’S UP! ^_^ Oh my god! I spent three nights to read all 19 pages of comments here, and it’s so fun to read. This forum is like the late night TV show to me, and it made me laugh all the time.
There is only one thing that I want to address here. If and only if Germany start the war to America! I will protect America like old school kamikaze. I wouldn’t mind to die for her, and I meant it seriously.
I believe that if you lose twice in the war, and you will lose the third time in the war!
USA! USA! USA!California, San Francisco 29 abr 2009, 12:04 - Denunciar -
Forgetting history?
Yes Germany has beautiful country and at this point in history one can find mild-mannered krauts, but to deny what they've 'contributed' to humanity, and the proven disposition of an evil people is naive. Have we changed in our ideals over the years so much as Americans? No. Watch movies such as The Pianist, that's what Germans have on their resume. I'd hire a fucking monkey first.
Nice German 30 abr 2009, 07:04 - Denunciar -
It's so sad
It’s very sad that we can’t talk about positive sides of another countries, about our common things. Why do you write so much bad words about each other? It has no sense, because it destroy tolerance, peace. I’m a Polish and my huseband is a German. We have 2 daughters and we are so happy. My huseband is very sensitive, responsible and carrying man and I love him so much. I know the facts about the second world war, but I can’t think only about it and be closed for Germans. The second world war is the past, we have to remember about it and that’s all. Germans aren’t nazis, aren’t ugly etc. They are so polite, so helpful, so warm people. I’ve lived in Berlin since 2003 and I can’t imagine better place to live for me and my family. People who have never been in Germany or have been only for short time can’t talk about Germans because they don’t know them at all. You have to live here to make your real opinion.
Diana aus Berlin 30 abr 2009, 05:23 - Denunciar -
hey,polish girl
leave you german husband,and stay with me,cute polish girl.i want f. your ass very very hard like your german husband never did!
brazilian 01 may 2009, 03:16 - Denunciar -
To Diana aus Berlin
Yuo said: "The second world war is the past, we have to remember about it and that’s all."
How about World War One? You properly will say the same thing.
So let me apply your rule again! Let ALLIES kill more Germans in the future, so it will become past, then we have to remember about it and that’s all.
AmericanLos Angeles, Arcadia 01 may 2009, 06:22 - Denunciar -
It's really amazing to see what people are willing to do when they believe to serve their country, isn't it? sucks 01 may 2009, 12:13 - Denunciar -
to American and brazilian
brazilian, why are you so unpolite? It's so bad if every brasilian man is like you. I didn't say anything bad about you, so what made you agresive? You should respect another people, specially if you don't know them. You’ve probably never been in Germany and you really don’t know about its culture, life style etc. My huseband would never use that words to another women.
what we should do in your opinion? Should we hate each other? Should we learn our children to be closed for people from another country?
I don't think so, because it's not a solution.
Each of us is different, we are from another parts of the world, why, as I said, don't we look for something what is common for us? Why can't we talk about our positive sides?
I’ve never been in America but I don’t dislike American. I like American movies, music etc. I like Italian food because it’s delicious and I love British clothes, French ice-cream, German cars etc. Is it bad? I like meeting people from another country and knowing other culture. Everyone is different and everyone is special. We can’t still thing about the past, because we are a new generation. We should do everything to the next world war would never happen.Diana aus Berlin 01 may 2009, 04:35 - Denunciar -
Re Nice German
having had the misfortune to grow up in Germany as a child and for a while also in my teens before returning for three years to see how I really felt and, I suppose, to give the country a chance, I was so glad when I stumbled upon this forum. These are my experiences in Germany and I have to admit here that unfortunately, I was fully integrated i.e. spoke the language like a native, went to the same schools as my peers and could easily have been mistaken for a German. I've lived in several different countries and even in the ones said to be reserved, have integrated extremely well, even in those places where I didn't speak the language.
There are good and bad people everywhere but nowhere have I been constantly threatened every step of the way. Some examples: as a child, one of my best friends was Turkish, whenever we were on the playground together, parents would move their children away.
Auslaenderdeutsch. My parents always spoke the language with an accent and never very well and the amount of people who addressed them with the familiar "du" would fill volumes, even the mother of a schoolfriend couldn't bring herself to speak slower but instead had to resort to deliberately mangled grammar and of course speak in a louder voice. This is extremely hard to deal with as a child, now I tell them off of course but as a child, when you are taught to respect your elders, it's a whole different story.
anti-Semitism. subtle and less so. Teachers were recquired to talk about the Holocaust in German class as well as in History. Most did the minimum, if that. Only one teacher went out of his way to really make his students read and even brought in other books, movies, suggested follow-up material. He was not of German origin though. Meanwhile, the History teacher made it very clear that "the number of Jews killed wasn't as high as they claim it was". And this in a class of Neonazis. I have to give credit to a German art teacher though, who took the Neonazi's sidekick to task. And I didn't even like that art teacher particularly but that gesture I always respected. Only one girl ever stood up to another Neonazi who was spreading lies about me. And that's in a school of about 800 people. And Neonazi events did have cops for backup but they were always standing very far away so that if anything happened, they would a) not see it in time and b) would rather gang up on some innocent foreigner who may have had too much too drink or just looked foreign. Even my mom had cops come up to her and ask her where she's from only to be told, "aren't you scared to walk the streets here" in a threatening manner. Even in school, there was no one to turn to. When I mentioned to the Vertrauenslehrer (a teacher, to whom you can bring all your issues)that the Neonazi had insulted me, his comment was, "but you called him an asshole, so I would watch what I say." And this from a liberal.
People not wanting to rent to foreigners, European or otherwise. What also cracks me up are the people who say things like "it's a pity what happened to the Jews and others in the Holocaust" but then turn around and bash Turks and other nationalities. But the minute they hear that you're from a country they think is cool or from the UK and France, they kiss your behind big time.
That sense of Ueberheblichkeit, that condescending arrogance. Not just in Germany but also abroad. Where I live now there are many Germans coming and the way they behave is . . . well, you have to see it to believe it, demanding they be let in to clubs and bars even when the guy at the door tells them that the place is too packed, asking him why he's so mad when he's speaking in a quiet voice and just tells them politely that he can't let them in. But at the same time there is also cowardice, they can only do this when they have backup and they have to make sure that they have said backup first. I also find it ironic that when in Germany, people will openly tell me, this is how we see foreigners, Jews, the Holocaust and then, when I point out that after all, I am one, too I always get, "oh but that's different."
These are just a few examples of what I've encountered and this was in one of the most economically stable area.I should also mention that my parents both dealt with this much better, my mom still likes Germany and my dad would also try and impress on me, that just because someone's grandfather was a Nazi, that doesn't make them one. But the incidences and facts speak for themselves. There are a few Germans I manage to be friends with, three altogether.
I find this interesting because as I mentioned, I was fully integrated, spoke the language and could have been taken for a German easily. And while some things are the same everywhere, crappy bureaucracy, annoying incidents and so on, I can usually shrug it off, except in Germany. I think that with countries it is like with people, some you like, some you don't and others you might learn to like over time. And you should by all means be open-minded and accept that things are different. And somehow, knowing all that, I still am unable to do that with Germany and I admit, based on all these things growing up and then again when I went back, I don't even want to.Globetrotter 01 may 2009, 05:15 - Denunciar -
just read it !!! 01 may 2009, 09:44 - Denunciar -
just read it !!!
correction for third link. 01 may 2009, 10:05 - Denunciar -
Are German women as ugly as everyone says they are?
Hello German friends,
I'm planning to be at the World Cup this summer. However, all my life I have been hearing that German women are possibly the ugliest on the planet.
That's kind of a worrying thing, since I'm gonna be in Germany for at least a month.
How do you guys deal with the problem? Is it something you get used to?
Rumour has it that many German men opt for Czech, Polish and Brazilian women instead. Is this true?
well i think we all know Heidi klum, Claudia Schiffer, Nadja Auermann,....
and we all know the polish girls because a lot of them live here and the most of them looks incredible ugly..Do you mean the hores?? the most of them are from Poland. Lol
no they aren't because the polish women are the ugliest on the planet !
If you live in Poland just take a look around, my friend !
The only good aspect of polish women is that they are the cheapest prostitutes with big tits!!
Hello Hitz, thanks for responding,
But do you really think these freaks called supermodels are really that good looking?
Let call a spade a spade. Nadja Auermann looks like a character from a sci-fi film. And that looks great on a fashion runway, but there's no way that's really attractive.
Most German women I've seen looked like men, to be honest. Is there something in the water over there or what?
Swiety, Poland's retarded patriot is back again posting more garbage... if you're looking for a wind-up at least make it a little humorous my jewish friend.
Go back to your little playground and scheme up some more threads you sad little git...
But hey, at least we can thank the Poles for their part in mail-order brides satisfying the millions of ugly men out there... Swiety, was your mother fed-Ex to Australia? You breed ugly with ugly and you get ugly... at least there's no cross-breeding.
poland is such a ridiculously country. Now without the pope they have nothing to be proud of. 01 may 2009, 10:20 - Denunciar -
How old are you? 13? 10? I've never met such immature and infantile man.
Diana aus Berlin 01 may 2009, 10:34 - Denunciar -
I'm agree with Diana
I'm a German woman and I think we shouldn't offend people we don't know. We all have positive and negative sides and we all want to be happy. Make peace, not war
Khira 02 may 2009, 05:52 - Denunciar -
Leck mich am A.
CLOSED.LMAA 02 may 2009, 11:54 - Denunciar -
Hi Khira
Let rest of the world kill Germans one more time, then we can have peace. That is called even.
Los Angeles, Arcadia 04 may 2009, 11:21 - Denunciar -
Poland Patriot
Poland Patriot,
to co według ciebie powinnismy zrobić? zyc tym co wydarzyło się w przeszłosci? mojego meza poznałam akurat w polsce i przez długi czas mieszkalismy tam, jednak ze wzgledu na to ze oboje jestesmy wykształceni przenieslismy sie do berlina, bo tam dostalismy prace na tych samych stanowiskach co w polsce ale o wiele lepiej płatna.czemu mam byc przeciwko niemcom? mieszkam tu tyle lat i nigdy nikt nie dał mi odczuc, ze mnie nie akceptuje. spojrz na sytuacje w polsce, na ten kraj bezprawia, w którym człowiek wszechstronnie wykształcony nie moze znalezc dobrej pracy. na wszystkich wyzszych stanowiskach rzadza starzy komunisci, którzy nie dopuszcza by ktos inny zajał ich miejsce. tego mam bronic? nie zrozum mnie zle, bo nie jestem przeciwko polsce, ale osobiscie wole zyc w niemczech.Diana aus Berlin 04 may 2009, 03:03 - Denunciar -
Poland Patriot
a druga sprawa, wcale nie czuje sie "lepsza" z tego powodu, ze mieszkam w berlinie, ja i moj maz chcemy po prostu aby nasze corki miały lepsze zycie i mieszkały tam gdzie beda mogly sie zrealizowac.twoja generalizacja ze kazdy niemiec jest zly prowadzi do nikad.
Khira 04 may 2009, 03:24 - Denunciar -
cannot agree more with Re Nice German
Germany sucks! not just Americans have problems with these poeple. I'm from China and I have the same exact negative opinons about germans too, unfortunately. I've been here for 8years now. The longer I live here, the less I like these people here. never met anybody so arrogant ane ignorant anywhere else in the world before.
huimiller 04 may 2009, 10:06 - Denunciar -
German women
I actually thought Heidi Klum and Nadja Auermann were the same person. They look very alike, like strict and angry high school teachers or farm girls, both without much charm. I much prefer Kate Moss, or Milla-Jovovich. I used to have a Polish girlfriend, she had beautiful light blue eyes and always complained that German women were not feminine. German women are certainly not hairy, like some people believe but they tend to have big boney faces and jaws. I have met some nice ones though, even if they are not all that good- looking.
Aussie guys seeks hot local 05 may 2009, 07:35 - Denunciar -
The real face of Germany
Americans, i think your problem is, that you are the mightiest country in the world! You hate your friends! We´re no nazis, fool! We have no national pride, because off the Nazis!!! We´re also not bavarians!!! Leather trousers are only worn at festivals, but only in bavaria! We´re the second mightiest nation on the world, and the most of us see america as a good friend! You call us stereotypes??? Germans can be funny and nice, like everybody in the world! You´re the stereotype! Its ok, if you don´t like Germany, but you must respect us! Without Germany, this world would be in the middle ages! Who invented for example the computer? A american??? We´re europeans and without us, you would live in europe! Maybe in Germany! Maybe a ancestor of you is german... All people who said good things about Germany are liberal and nice! Dumbasses shut up!
Nürnberger 11 may 2009, 06:14 - Denunciar -
Racisism against germans=this thread
You Must be f***ing mad. Germany is one of the most beutiful countries of the World. Occasionally, north Germans are a little cold, but thats due to all the russians that moved there. In the south, we are famous for hospitality. Germany has one of the worlds best ecconomies. ( look out, america!) germany is by far my favorite country in the world.
50€ in da hood 11 may 2009, 06:42 - Denunciar -
I'm damn proud to be a german
That's rite, and I'm no nazi. I'm telling you we Germans can have pride about our country just like you ameicans. I was there. I saw that wall. That was all I could see of my beloved Germany for years. And let me tell you, when I was there, and I heard those words, "tear down this wall" and the cheers of the entire nation were going on behind me.. I was proud to be a german. I was filled with a sense of pride for my nation. I felt as if our planet had given us a second chance. A chance for us to try again. After all the horrors that happend here, we were once more, a part of the moral planet. And look at us today! After going thru 2 economic breakdowns, we have the strongest ecconomy in Europe. I'm damn proud of Germany. I'm damn proud to be a german
Proud german 090 12 may 2009, 04:46 - Denunciar -
proud german 090
yes,yes,you are proud and so ,get in your knees ,and suck my cock
PROUD BRAZILIAN 12 may 2009, 05:32 - Denunciar -
Proud brazilian
I would but it's so small I can't find it
Proud german 090 12 may 2009, 06:19 - Denunciar -
This entire blog is ridiculus
This blog makes no sense. This was started by twelve year olds who played to much call of duty 5
AwqaaddsgzdjffHgsgjtstxfyrihdoli 12 may 2009, 06:23 - Denunciar -
Drop it fag
This blog is so gay. I take no sides but this seems to be the STUPIDEST blog out there. The way I see it there are a few possibilities: 1 the person who started this blog is posting again and again about german hate posing as other people (very likley) 2 a couple of 12 year olds got their hands on a ww2 game and think Germans are Nazis and the olny place they belong is in the ground. 3 pissed off soccer fans (tho the seeson is over) 4 french people are tierd of all the France sucks blogs and started 1 about Germany 5 someones jelaus of germany (and u should be) 6 Ur a cluless american fläg waving twat who hattes everything that isnt Red white and blu 7 a german Stole ur girlfriend (although the bloggers are gay) 8 u suck at everthing. 9 u went to new York thinking it's Berlin. 10 u are a neonazi pissed that germany hates u and wants u out
Germanyiscool 12 may 2009, 09:57 - Denunciar -
germans are a bunch of freak perverts
the citzen,congratulations.i dont understand too why alied forces allowed german to be independent after world war two.i think they would have became germany in a nuclear or chemical waste deposit or something like that.
germanyscool,go to hell!if you defende a country like germany,you must be nazi too!PROUD BRAZILIAN 13 may 2009, 12:23 - Denunciar -
United States Sucks
Americans are full of themselves. I am not German nor American. Americans think they know better than the rest of the world. They don't understand the meaning of "enjoying life, taking a vacation" you guys just work, work...80% of Americans never left this country and still they judge every other nation. Why? Because you all are brainwashed. Most of you don't know where to find Indiana, Wyoming or other states on the map. The only places Americans go to are fast food restaurants that's why 60% of the population is obese!!! There are so many beautiful places out there...but most of Americans don't know that they exist...Please shut up and stop judging others because this country is no better.
Nobody 13 may 2009, 01:56 - Denunciar -
Germany is awesome
U are a clueless twat with no life. I'm contacting the admins of this site, see if they can pull this (and any other racist blog) from this site. Ps Hitler wasnt german, he was austrian!
Germanboi 13 may 2009, 06:45 - Denunciar -
Your right they have lost the meaning of life,
which maybe is:
life is short be nice each other,
it's better.Robert Ward 13 may 2009, 09:17 - Denunciar -
american people act like hitler
i ama german and I visited america. well, i can't find really big differences. just that americans dont eat healthy food and that everything's bigger. i met a lot of really rude and unfriendly people, but also nice ones.
thats pretty normal.
that hitler was alive and everything is a long long time ago and nobody really still thinks of that.
but when I see such comments from americans that write that germany and germans sucks its relly CLEAR to see that THEY act racist.
obviously the people that visited germany had bad luck, because germany has pretty places, and pretty people. just look at german topmodels
soo, please act nice. Germany and America are great places.
get it or not. if not don't be annoying and racist americans!bee 14 may 2009, 08:19 - Denunciar -
i ama german and I visited america. well, i can't find really big differences. just that americans dont eat healthy food and that everything's bigger. i met a lot of really rude and unfriendly people, but also nice ones.
thats pretty normal.
that hitler was alive and everything is a long long time ago and nobody really still thinks of that.
but when I see such comments from americans that write that germany and germans sucks its relly CLEAR to see that THEY act racist.
obviously the people that visited germany had bad luck, because germany has pretty places, and pretty people. just look at german topmodels
soo, please act nice. Germany and America are great places.
get it or not. if not don't be annoying and racist americans!nixx 14 may 2009, 08:21 - Denunciar -
Germany isnt full of nazis. YOU sound like a nazi and act very racist.
you suck. Germany is pretty everywhere and germans are pretty too.
you should start enjoying your life, its full of hate.none 15 may 2009, 05:50 - Denunciar -
I hate Germans. Germany, as a country, is spectacular. I've never seen a more beautiful country. It saddens me that it has to be inhabited by the most annoying race of people I've ever encountered.
I spent 6 years living in Italy, and have been in Germany since 2007. In that time, I have travelled all over Europe and north Africa and met many many wonderful people from all over...EXCEPT Germany.
Let me list the reasons why:
1. Germans are exceptionally nosey and LOVE to meddle in the business of others over trivial matters. I think spying on their neighbors is the national pass-time. This is the only place I've ever seen where you can get in trouble for using a chainsaw on Sunday, letting your dog out on a balcony, or driving 3 mph over the speed limit (in the middle of no where).
2. They are HORRIBLE drivers. They pride themselves as great drivers, but this is pure nonsense. Driving FAST does not equate to driving WELL. I have never seen a race of people unable to merge into traffic without causing huge traffic jams. They simply can't do it! Drive on any autobahn long enough and you'll eventually encounter a "stau" caused by nothing more than 3 lanes merging into two. It's retarded and exacerbated by their aggressively fast driving. Also, they try to treat driving like it's some sort of art-form or like flying: they have so many stupid laws and'd think you were going on an international flight plan instead of on a high-way.
3. German food SUCKS. Let me sum up a typical German meal: pork and potatoes. Enjoy. Granted, they have dozens of ways to prepare their pork and potatoes, but at the end of the day, a fried pork-chop is all you are having. If there weren't millions of Sicilians and folks from Naples living in Germany, they wouldn't have ANY good restaurants.
4. The German language makes me want to vomit. It must be the worst sounding language in the world. Every conversation sounds like an interogation. I'd rather listen to someone's nails being scratched on a chalk-board than listen to the German language.
5. Old German women do stupid things to their hair. Germany is the only place I have EVER seen anyone, other than a rock band, color their hair pink, green, purple, or red and think it looks nice or appropriate. I'm not talking about 13 year old girls either...oh no! I'm talking about 50 and 60 year old haus-fraus. It looks ridicuous and these people need to be smacked.
6. Germans love to be miserable. They must, otherwise there is no logical explanation for all fo their ridiculous rules, policies, and laws they have. I wouldn't be surprised if, somewhere in German law, their is a regulation covering the correct way to wipe one's ass. You very likely need a license for it. to obtain the license, you must attend a 6 month school that costs 10,000 euro, and then, after all that, your neighbors have to be able to watch to ensure you don't use more than the bare minimum amount of toilet paper. Ever wonder why the Germans are so perverted and into kinky sex? It's because their daily lives are like living in the book, "1984".
7. Germans always have been and always will be racisits. They absolutley hate foreigners of all walks, but especially Americans. Never mind the fact that Americans living in Germany dump millions of dollars into the local communities where the bases are. Never mind the fact that it was AMERICA, not NATO or the UN, who kept the Russian T-72s out of the Fulda Gap for 60 years. It was also, OUR President Reagan who was responsible for the reunification of East and West Germany. Frankly, I believe that after we kicked their asses in two huge World Wars in the last century and then protected them from the Russians who would have drained Germany for everything it had and forced them to speak Russian, these people should show more respect to America.
Anyways, like I said, Germany is a magnificently beautiful country. Their forrests and mountain ranges are world class and I respect them for their efficiency in managing their natural resources. However, I think the best that Germany ever had to offer were all killed in WWI and WWII. As a result, their gene pool has been tainted and "thinned out" by all the unfit and weak, which has resulted in the mincing, prying, and deceitful race of people currently inhabiting the area between France and Eastern Europe.
I'm leaving Germany soon, but not soon enough. As my time here draws closer to an end, I take satisfaction in knowing that Germans, as a race will never be able to spread beyond their borders, as they did in the first half of the 20th century, because their Army is a joke...a force of conscripts who couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag.
I can't wait to leave this place and pray I never come back.Angry Dave 16 may 2009, 05:57 - Denunciar -
germany SUCKS (to 70%)
Well Germans WERE in the past really sad and stuff but when i was there I didn't see any sad people at all.ô.0 now u might think that ALL german are racist, but they arn't just some of the old fox and some stupid kids but u'll find those all over the world even in our home the usa. and I know what i'm saying coz ive been there for like 4years. and berlin isn't that bad. I think lots of people thing germany is racist because of all the kanacks (the turkish) that run around, blast innocent germans, sell dope, knive eachother..and so on.. but the fact is that germany isn't that bad. BUT it's boring ur right. well and u know what? the broken english THEY speak isn't at all as we think it is
a least facts is. who invented the kkk, germany? nopetimthomas 17 may 2009, 01:43 - Denunciar -
Some germans are good some germans are bad(and all of them are fat :
but germany as a country is very dirty and many places in germany are like ghettos,i really don't understand how people live in this country.
16 18 may 2009, 01:52 - Denunciar -
Vidente,Espritista y Tarotista por mas de 38 años,por mi larga experiencia en los años trabajados a las personas que acuden a mi, tanto por mi pagina
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By Helen Wu United States of America Contact publisher via email
Business: Online Marketing / SEO February 25, 2009
United States of America (Press Release) February 25, 2009 --
This program takes just half an hour to set up. After that, there is absolutely no work whatsoever to do on your part. You have absolutely NOTHING to lose, and there is NO LIMIT to the amount of income you can generate from this one single business program.
STEP 1: Setting up your FREE PAYPAL Account.Copy and paste the following link exactly into the address bar:
Be sure to sign up for a FREE PREMIER or BUSINESS account (and not a PERSONAL account) otherwise you won't be able to receive credit card payments from other people.
STEP 2: Sending PAYPAL money To give means to receive, and receive you will. Many waste £6 on nothing of use. You'll make over $10,000 with the $6 you invest. Now all you have to do is send £$1.00 by way of PAYPAL to each of the email addresses below.
Make sure the subject of the payment says... "PLEASE ADD ME TO YOUR MAILING LIST". (this keeps the program 100% legal... so please don't forget!)
These are the e-mail addresses you send £1 to. (That is £1 to each email address.)
1)[email removed]
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6)[email removed] Remember, all of this is ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are creating a service! If you have any doubts, please refer to Title 18 Sec. 1302 & 1241 of the United States Postal laws.
STEP 3: Adding Your Email Address
source: FPR
After you send your $1.00 payment, to each email on the list above,
Take the #1) email off the list that you saw above, move the other addresses up one - (#6 becomes #5 & #5 becomes #4 and #4 becomes #3 & #3 becomes #2 and #2 becomes #1. etc)
Now add YOUR email address (the one used in your PAYPAL account) to position #6) on the
STEP 4: The Pure Joy of Receiving PAYPAL Money!
You are now ready to post your copy of this message, to at least 50-200 newsgroups, message boards. I post to 200 for quicker surer results. There are close to 32,000 news groups, this makes it easy for you to earn money. All you need is 200 news groups, but the more you post, the more money you make - as well as everyone else on the list!
You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply do the following:
STEP 1: Copy this letter and Paste to Notepad.
STEP 2: Use Netscape or Internet Explorer and try searching for various newsgroups, on-line forums, message boards, bulletin boards, chat sites, discussions, discussion groups, online communities, etc
STEP 3: Visit these message boards and post this article as a new message.
Congratulations! THAT'S IT!! All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post away. After you get the hang of it, it will take about 30 seconds for each newsgroup!
For more information:
W119 CITISPACE WEST UKjon 23 may 2009, 09:28 - Denunciar