Short-term visas for Indonesia

Visas on arrival, tourist and transit visas

When moving to a new country you should always double check visa requirements. The last thing you want is trouble at airport immigration before you’ve even entered the country!

For stays up to sixty days, visas can be purchased on entry into specific airports and seaports.

The following 11 nearby countries do not require visas to enter Indonesia:

However, 62 countries and one region  are eligible to acquire a visa on Arrival (VOA). The VOA can be applied for after you have landed at certain airports and seaports in Indonesia and they are valid for up to 30 days, costing US$25 (it is also possible to purchase a 7 day visa after arrival for US$10). Please note that the VOA can only be extended past the 30 days in cases of natural disasters and serious illness or injury, by the Director General of Immigration of the Republic of Indonesia.

In any case, the VOA cannot be converted or extended to a full immigration permit. Overstay visitors are required to pay a penalty of US$20.- per day/person (for under 60 days stay) unless the VOA is extended for another 30 days, for an extra US$25. An over 60 days stay will result in a 5 (five) year prison sentence or a fine of IDR 25,000.000 (local currency).

Entry Requirements for Visa On Arrival (VOA):

Tourist and Transit Visas

A transit visa is a single entry visa for visitors passing through Indonesia and can be used for up to 14 days.

The requirements for a transit visa:

Visit Visas:

Visit visas are visas that can be obtained by regular passport holders, and can vary from single to multiple entries. The visit visas include business, tourist, social visit, journalist and research visas. Applicants should write to their respective Indonesian embassy detailing their specific situation and details regarding their visit. For example, for a research application, the applicant must write to their embassy detailing the research which they will undertake in Indonesia.

The single entry visa is valid for a period of up to 60 days and costs US $45. Likewise, the multiple entries visa is valid for a period of up to 60 days and your passport must be valid for at least a year. The cost of the multiple entry visa is US $100. All of the application details are the same as for the transit visa above, only you must specify that you are requesting a visit visa. You should send your visa to your country’s Indonesian embassy and processing shouldn’t take longer than roughly three days.

Working visa

For expatriates seeking employment in Indonesia, you should remember it is very difficult for foreigners to stay in Indonesia for work purposes due to very strict immigration and visa requirements. The process can be very long and it is recommended you check your specific country’s Indonesian embassy  for more information. There is valuable information concerning work visa applications on the website of the Indonesian embassy in London. Also on the website of the Indonesian embassy in Washington D.C .

Your work permit, Izin Kerja Tenaga Asing (IKTA) is available after you have moved to Indonesia and have obtained your KITAS visa. It is also required that to obtain your work permit you have paid your annual Dana Pengembangan Keahlian dan Keterampilan (DPKK) which is essentially the fee that companies pay for foreign workers. The fee is US $100 per month and is usually administered by the Manpower Ministry. Thus, proof of payment from a bank is required to apply for your work permit. Another final requirement is that you hold a Ijin Mempekerjakan Tenaga Kerja Asing (IMTA) which is a document that gives authorisation to a company to employ a foreigner. This should be submitted by your employer to the Manpower Ministry, and once you have this document you are legally permitted to work in Indonesia.

What is the cost of a visa?

Visa for stay up to 30 (thirty) days – US $25 (€20.00)
Extension of stay for up to 30 (thirty) days – US $25 (€20.00)
Transit Visa USD20.00 (€16.00)
Tourist Visa (up to 60 days) USD45.00 (€37.00)
Business Visa (up to 60 days) USD45.00 (€37.00)
Social/Cultural Visa (up to 60 days) USD45.00 (€37.00)
Multiple Entries Visa (up to 12 months) USD100.00 (€81.00)

Limited Stay Period Visa
Limited Stay Period Visa (up to 6 months) €63.00
Limited Stay Period Visa (up to 12 months) €127.00
Limited Stay Period Visa (up to 24 months) €222.00
Re-Entry Permit Visa €25.00

How long is the visa valid for?

The maximum stay for visitors is normally 60 days, except for the VOA which has a maximum stay of 30 days. Also, certain type of visas given based on approval from the Immigration Authority in Indonesia. © 2003-2025 Just Landed