
Paying for electricity, water and gas

The government grants a monopoly to utilities companies in a given area. Bills are not always correct, so you should keep track of your utilities metres. Additionally, you should keep track of your receipts and payments so that you do not get overcharged.

Utility distribution and bill pay in Oman is simple. Cheques must be issued to the company which is providing utilities in you area, but all payments are handled by the Oman Investment and Finance Company (OIFC) regardless of where you live.

Bill payments are sent to the OIFC directly or paid through your bank. The payment service has been updated, and you can make payments at the bank itself, online, at an ATM, or by phone call.


There are not many gas mains in Oman, and a lot of cooking and heating is done using electricity. However, if you want to use gas in your home, you will have to buy it in tanks or have it delivered.

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