Higher education

Universities in Thailand

Thai universities have developed considerably since King Rama V set up the first University in the early twentieth century. However, Thailand still receives education loans from the World Bank and the OECF.

Higher education in Thailand is predominantly provided at universities and colleges. Major universities are Chulalongkorn University, Thammasat University, Mahidol University, Ramkamheng University and Chiang Mai University.

There are also many non-formal education services for adults in Thailand. Instead of offering normal, scheduled classes, these services aim to provide education through community learning centres, TV programmes and other channels.

Enrolment conditions for foreign students in Thailand

Students should apply directly to the university of their choice. There are usually no restrictions on foreign students enrolling in a Thai university, as long as there are places available. To apply, you will usually need the following documentation:

Academic year in Thailand

The academic year in Thailand lasts from June to March and is divided into two semesters. It has a two or three week break between the two semesters in September.

The long summer break is during the hottest part of the year - the traditional Thai new-year celebrations, Songkran.

University programmes in Thailand

Most bachelor degrees in Thailand have four years full-time attendance programmes. Exceptions are pharmacy and architecture that require five years, and medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine that require six years of study.

Master degrees generally require either one or two years of study. On completion of a Masters degree, students may apply for an admission exam to a 2-5 year doctoral study program.

A doctoral thesis is regarded as the highest academic achievement. Students are also expected to produce study reports and give academic seminars during the doctoral course.

Fees for foreign students in Thailand

Tuition fees for Thai universities vary between 15,000-300,000 Baht per semester depending on the university.

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