
How do get medication in Austria

In Austria, you get medicines from dispensing chemists/pharmacies ( Apotheke).These should not be confused with drugstores ( Drogerie), where you can buy toiletries.

There are two types of medication: freely-available drugs and prescription only medicines, which require a Rezept (prescription) from a doctor. The prescription is taken to the pharmacy by the patient and the pharmacist issues the medicines.
The law on prescriptions is very strict. Many medicines that you may be able to buy over the counter in your own country, such as antibiotics, must be prescribed by a doctor in Austria. However, some painkillers, such as headache tablets, are available at pharmacies without a prescription.
With state health insurance, the majority of the costs of prescription medicines are paid for directly by your insurance company. You do pay a small nominal fee for each drug, depending on its cost. ( Zuzahlungspflicht). The fee of the prescription in Austria is at present € 4, 45. With private insurance, you pay for medication and then send receipts to your insurer for reimbursement.
Usually pharmacies in Austria are opened Monday-Friday 8.00am – 6.00pm and Saturday 8.00am – 12.00am (sometimes also till 4.00pm). In case of an emergency there is always one pharmacy opened off opening-hours.

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