thinking of moving to Kuwait
Hi, I am a canadian my family and I are thinking of moving to Kuwait and accepting a job there. I have 3 kids, 14,12 and 10 yrs old, two boys and the younger one being a little girl. I would love to get some feedback on what it is like to live in Kuwait.
What if any are the security concerns? What are the schools like? Any recommendations for schooling? What are the beaches like? My wife would like to know what are the restrictions on clothing at the beach?
I look forward to hearing for everyone.
25 Sep 2006, 07:29 Anonymous
Rather late to reply..
But if you are still looking for answers, drop me an email. [email removed]
Anonymous 08 Nov 2006, 12:21 - Report -
Same Position
Hi Will
We are Canadian as well and contemplating a job offer in Kuwait. We have children the same ages as yours.
Just wondering what you found out, and if you had made a decision?
Anonymous 12 Nov 2006, 04:11 - Report -
RE: Same Postion
might be a little late to reply.. but thought i would reply incase you [or someone else] still needs the info.
hi, im American and im 14.. this is my 3rd year in Kuwait. i go to the American School of Kuwait [] and i love it... awesome people, good teachers, great sports teams. Life for teenagers is pritty good here, in my opinion =p
anyways.. if you have any questions.. send me an email. [email removed]
*ErinAnonymous 29 Dec 2006, 03:35 - Report -
you'll love it. great for kids as they are protected at school. I mean sex education and drugs are not taught or mentioned. Public beaches you have to cover up but you can visit the many hotels and for around 10 - 20 dollars you cna spend the day there on the beach and do what you want. the best thing asan adult to make friends is join the darts and social league. they have a website "who cares" and "sharks" are the best teams totry and join.
good luckAnonymous 23 Jan 2007, 04:53 - Report -
I think it might be a little too late but tought I might help, anyway.
I'm a Canadian tooand
not to be negative or anything, but you wouldnt want to try any of the Indian schools they arent really that good.
You can get good jobs here.
It's really hot here( it can go upto 50 degrees C) and I think the lowst temperature I've ever experienced here is 7 degrees C.
But I'm a kid so you might not really want to trust me BUT I am in Kuwait right now and I've lived in Canada for more about more than half my life and I dont really like Kuwait as much as I like Canada. So you might want to ask your kids first.Anonymous 07 Feb 2007, 09:10 - Report -
About Security you shouldnt worry at all, its a safe place ..
About schools ... you will have a selection of american and english schools ... its a small areaso i guess you can make a visit to each of them and figure out which is best for you ..
The beaches are very nice and summer time is hot but great for a tanmore like a sun burn actually lol ..
Anyway about the clothes ... well i would say they can wear whatever they like whereever they like ... but depends on what type of beach you are at ..
Might be getting people staring and stuff if your wife is in a Bikini ...
Anyway there are places like hotels and resorts that do have a big amount of werstern people .. so you wouldnt have to worry about clothing there at all ..
well i hope ive been usefull
Take Care and i hope you enjoy your stay if you are still willing to visit ... i notice my reply is so late now i looked at the dateYousef 11 Mar 2007, 08:06 - Report -
My family have just left.
Know this is late, but I hope it helps. My husband and I have just left Kuwait, and to be honest we wish we were still there!!
The private english and american schools are good, but ask around to find one that suits you. BSK and ASK seem to have the best reputations.
As for things like restrictions on the beach, most ExPats get memberships to the Radisson SAS or Hilton Beach clubs, where you can dress as you choose.
As for dress outside it is best to try and be as modest as possible, not so much because people will say anything, but because they have a tendancy to stare!
Once you get over the initial culture shock, and also the shock of the heat, you will find Kuwait is what you make it. You can have a wonderful social network (like we had) and fill your free time with activities you might not get the chance to do elsewhere, or you can focus on the bad points and hate the place.
I hope that this has been helpful and if you have any other questions, add them here and I'll try to answer them for youmissing Kuwait 27 Mar 2007, 04:52 - Report -
Expat life in Kuwait
My recently started blog at has some interesting items and from there you can also contact me directly without your email address appearing.
witsinkw 23 Apr 2007, 03:38 - Report -
Thinking of moving to Kuwait
I'm an Australian and my partner is considering taking a job in Kuwait. I have lived in Singapore as an expat before but I can't seem to find much by way of information about living as an expat in Kuwait. I'm VERY VERY nervous as we have a 4 year old son who was due to start school next year (the school year in Australia is Feb to Nov with about 8 weeks off in Dec and Jan which is our summer in the upside down part of the earth).
I've read a LOT about how dangerous it is to drive there and that Kuwait has the largest road toll on the planet (hard to believe after travelling through Asia). How do other expats get around? Also is there a way of networking with other trailing spouses with a young family as this is my only experience as a trailing spouse - in Singapore I was working. What are the expat living areas and does anyone has a real estate website - i have combed the net and not found any online agencies where i can look at housing.
I know we've got to get over there and take a look, but any advice or feedback from anyone would be a real help as being so close to the Iraq border is worrying me.
My email is [email removed] if anyone prefers that
Thanks in advance.Essdee 12 May 2007, 01:14 - Report -
I have been in Kuwait for just over 3 months now. I have been working on a contract for one of the biggest privately owned Kuwaiti companies. I am English, 40 and have also lived and worked in Qatar for a year.
OK, not to beat around the bush, if anyone asked me if they should come from the West to work here it would be a definitive no. Forget about any security concerns as the Yanks wouldn't let anything happen here, as they didn't last time. The only issue might be if the Iran problem flared up again. So that aside, what is it like to live here? Maybe my view is a bit biased since I came here without my family, as the contract was short term, but the big problem with Kuwait is that there is very little to do. Unlike most of the other Gulf countries, Kuwait has made no effort to develop itself as a tourist destination, but then I guess who would come here anyway?
The plus points are obvious - tax free money, guaranteed sun (most of the time), I uunderstand the education is OK but as my kids aren't here can't really comment. But then you get all that in the other Gulf countries too, and with things to at weekends / nights. Initially I was keen to get my contract extended beyond the 4 months, but now frankly, I can't wait to get out of here.
Driving is an absolute nightmare, but again, the same throughout the Gulf - I think car death is the biggest or second biggest killer in the region. 95% of people on the roads have absolutely no concept of how to drive, and because half of the vehicles are big 4 wheel drives, any smashes are that much more likely to result in fatalities. You just need to be damned careful.
Alcohol is 'forbidden', but most of the Kuwaitis drink and have their own private stash in their houses. The 'white' expats also drink, either getting it (expensively) on the black market, flying out to Bahrain or Dubai regularly and sneeking it back in - if you get caught, it is just taken off you, not a big deal. Home brewing is also a pretty well developed pastime in the country. Again, just be careful and sensible about it and you won't have an issue.
Getting anything done is usually a nightmare - the residency process is shocking and full of corruption, but again, not something restricted to Kuwait. The whole region is beset with practices which seem to be there just to get in your way.
The main breadwinner needs to be careful about any move out here. The bigger companies will tend to move you out here, show you the best bits, drive you round in limos and generally paint a picture of what a great place it is to be. But after a couple of months of working here you realise that you've made the biggest career move mistake of your life. Working for local companies in the Gulf is a REAL struggle if you come from a Western background. A lot of the people are clueless and change is not something welcomed by the Arab bosses - I get the impression they don't really trust you. This was the same in Qatar.
The local youths seem to spend their time driving round in powerful cars, drinking or getting high, often all at the same time. The female youth seem to spend their whole time in the various shopping malls, which is fair enough as there is nothing else to do. Another result of this is that Kuwait is something like 4th in the league of obese nations in the world. Food is a big, big obsession here.
What else? The public beaches are disgusting, the coastal sea is badly polluted, outside of Kuwait city there is pretty much nothing. Within the 5 star hotel beach clubs things are a lot better though. There are quite a few decent restaurants around, some sports clubs, expat clubs, etc. I have found the Kuwaitis to be a lot more arrogant, aggressive and rude than the Qataris were - not sure why this is. The moral code seems to be a lot more relaxed than it was in Qatar also, again not sure why. There are an awful lot of contradictions in Islamic countries, all involving the usual things - money, sex, drink & drugs.
If I was considering a role in the Gulf again, the only places I would consider are the UAE (prefer Abu Dhabi over Dubai), Qatar & Oman (though this is underdeveloped), possibly Bahrain at a push (though this is very small and squashed in). People who are positive about Kuwait tend to have been here so long they have just got used to it and are really good at making the most of crap situations. Personally, I don't especially enjoy just having to make do with what's available - with all of its oil money Kuwait should be 20 years on from where it currently is, but it ain't
Obviously this is a pretty negative view, but I also found it hard to get any decent objective viewpoints before I came here, so I'm just saying it as I see it without any of the rose-tinted rubbish fed you by prospective employers. I am just glad that I came here on a short-term contract which is due to finish in about 3 weeks. If the question had been about Qatar however, my experience was totally different and the post would have been much, much more positive. This is just my politically incorrect, unplugged view of the country, hope it is helful to someone.
Advice - don't come here unless the alternatives are Iraq or Iran. Same goes for Saudi. Other GCC countries, yes.Anonymous 13 May 2007, 06:00 - Report -
Rebuttal to previous post - from a long term family resident perspective
I'm sorry that the previous poster finds Kuwait to be such a negative place, seems like a good idea that he moves on after his "short" stint here. I've also worked in Qatar and before that Bahrain and yes they are most definitely "chalk and cheese" when compared with Kuwait.
However he's out here on a batchelor status, when compared to family status and the stability that having your family with you, it can make all the difference.
Yes the driving is difficult, wouldn't call it suicidal but you do have to keep your eyes open (unlike the locals that have Allah looking after them), yes the bureaucracy is again difficult, but if you're working for a decent company then this is all normally taken care of by the "mandoob", it's not necessarily something that you have to do yourself (and that goes for non-working family members any decent company will assist in this).
Beside all these 'difficulties' how is it then that there are so many of us western expats here, there's at least 4000 Brits, god knows how many Yanks (not counting the military) along with numerous other nationalities.
Yes life is what you make of it and yes most expats moan, but in reality a lot of them don't want to return to the homeland and I include myself in that bracket.
S 16 May 2007, 03:21 - Report -
response on thinking of moving to kuwait
Thank you for your posting. I must admit I was having a bit of a panic attack at the post after mine...silently thinking there is no way i'm moving there. How old are your kids and how are they coping with making friends, what school have you got experience with and what kind of networking is there for stay at home mums? Forums in Asia are so full of postings i managed to find flatmates, sell furniture, find people to meet and have a drink, get professional networks etc. Kuwait doesn't seem to have that established open expat community (this is the only forum i've found that have given any sort of reply) so I'm reaching out here and looking for shared experiences. Also, I can't find any online accommodation directories (eg Australia and the US have so many where you can search for rentals online and actually see what you can rent) - do they exist in Kuwait? Also what do people do while kids are at school? Shop? Lunch? Gym?
Thank u so much for taking the time to respond. Much much appreciated.Essdee 16 May 2007, 05:46 - Report -
Message for Essdee
Essdee, go to my blog <a href="">here...</a>
On the front page at the bottom is a "contact us" form, if you send me your email address through it (will not show to the public it's a private message) then I can send back to you the information I am slowly putting together for newbies to Kuwait. There's a fair bit that's probably too much for this forum format.S 16 May 2007, 10:32 - Report -
Correct blog address
Sorry that didn't format well try this...
witsinkw.blogspot.comS 16 May 2007, 10:33 - Report -
gone to block
Gone to your blog and sent in my email address. Look forward to hearing from you!essdee 17 May 2007, 02:21 - Report -
Hello, I am Estonian, me and my partner are thinking about moving in Kuwait.I am a carpenter, but I also can work in security because I have worked in military...
Can Anyone give some informationElvo 24 May 2007, 01:41 - Report -
Living in Kuwait
Well, from what I hear, Kuwait is Club Med. My married male friend was there with the American military, and had more sex with ex pats than he did as a single guy. He ended up getting suckered in by some irish gal half his age (she was definitely looking for a one way ticket to the USA)and he dumped his wife of 20 years.
Sure he was wrong, but evidently those gals couldn't care less if the guy is married as long as he's willing to get her a green card! So beware of the gold diggers!
(P.S. She dumped him a year later and is living with a guy her own age)Pete 30 May 2007, 11:15 - Report -
What was he doing screwing around in the first place??? For him going offshore (ANYWHERE, not just Kuwait) as licence to cheat on his wife of 20 years. Im sure this irish lass didn't put some deep dark voodoo spell on him. Serves him right for ending up alone...losers always do. Once a cheater, always a cheater!!
oooh 31 May 2007, 09:24 - Report -
Actually, the Irish lass made her way through all the single guys first...they "used her and loosed her"...says a lot about her, I'd say. And yes, he shouldn't have cheated, BUT she knew he was married and she should have respected the sanctity of marriage even if he didn't. Guess she'd gone through all the single guys and was desperate! She got what she wanted in the end...that one way ticket to the USA! I feel sorry for the poor sucker who ended up with her...but I hear Kuwait is full of gold diggers from Europe, so once again guys, BEWARE OF THOSE FOLLOWING THE MONEY/GREEN CARD TRAIL. They'll do whatever it takes to get there!
Pete 31 May 2007, 10:57 - Report -
I had the same experience in Kuwait. Being a SINGLE guy over there, the women were all over me. Mostly Brits, Irish, etc. I saw it for what it was and had my fun and said adios. I may be single, but I wasn't desperate for a foreign wife. Sounds like the other guy fell hook, line and sinker for the "come-ons". I admit, those ladies are good at it, but I guess when you have a goal, you do whatever it takes to win! Just see them for what they are....and it isn't you!
Jeremy 31 May 2007, 11:01 - Report -
Ladies, keep your husband's on a short leash over there!
I have first hand knowlege and what that guy said is true...Sharon B. 31 May 2007, 11:02 - Report -
oh, I was one of those "expats" looking for a green card and it worked for me
Sharon B. 31 May 2007, 11:05 - Report -
single ladies in kuwait
I went from Wales to San Diego via Kuwait. Went looking for a military man and found him. San Diego beats Kuwait (and Wales) any day. So all you single women who are moving to Kuwait in search of a mate,
you should be very successful
I was a 'cart tart' for the airlines thereS. Byrne 02 Jun 2007, 01:09 - Report -
Thinking about moving to Kuwait & LOTS OF QUESTIONS!!!!!!!???????
I am very interested in moving to Kuwait. I am a single parent. My daughter is unsure about coming, but I am about 85% ready to come. She is a senior in high school and hates to leave her friends. I"m just a little worried about living conditions, is it true you may have to live in tents, with snakes,rats or have I been teased about this?Yes it true that to join a club where you can wear your swimsuuit it cost you @$3000 a year just to go to the beach to swim and enjoy the veiw? I hear about having to work 7 days a week 12 hours a day! is that true every where you work?
I have a sister that is reallly thinking about it also.
I hope someone would PLEASE email me back and help with my fears and questions.
Thank you
me/USAPatti 03 Jul 2007, 06:59 - Report -
Tents???? Snakes???
Come on, I haven't been there yet, but please, where do Americans get this stuff from. I can't wait to hear the response you'll get from people living there already. I suppose depends on what kind of work you'll be doing...bedouin perhaps? Good luck!!freeloader 05 Jul 2007, 06:39 - Report -
am akuwaity
am akuwaiti man work in oil company for 25 years with my respict to the comonts ,kuwait is a very frendly place for candian or american or any nationality kuwqait popelation 3 milians only 800 000 kuwaity the rest is emported sory for that i mean working as mesonarys
since i joined the oil sector all the workers and the expert is from abroud any how thanks to the oil we have plenty of it we have new high ways new hospitals state of the art shoping moals you wouldnt evine see in the states new airports new cars and the ghouses is like beverly hels
evry thing is computerised so its centerlised systems am talking about securitys
drink is prohipted so you are ok is any lady from abroud get kind missing something she can have it instatly
thanks guys for reading hop i made my mindeabo hamood 09 Sep 2007, 08:10 - Report -
i'm in Kuwait by 7 years
to Mr abo hamood [email removed]
i'm in Kuwait by 7 years
sorry you are wrong in many things about your Kuwait is not so good country, 3 milians only 800 000 kuwaity tht not meaning Kuwait is good country or Kuwaiti people is friendly
most of the ExPats here for money no thing els.
your country is very boring and no real legal system
every thing is not allowed but every thing is availabe its crazy, its farce.......
Kuwaiti people dealing with other nationality is very bad
yes kuwaities kind of friendly with candian or american
because kuwaities are sure the candian, american or western ginrally comes from strong country and can take his rights, strong embassy that the reson
and too kuwaities use theim to have fun with open minded people and sell him very expinsve wine and hash.
i'm stoneeeeeeeeed.... its good stuff
i like hash in kuwait
sorry for my bad english
[email removed]
HashMan 20 Sep 2007, 03:27 - Report -
How is Living in Kuwait
Hi, I'm thinking of moving to Kuwait. I would be appreciate i anyone could give me some information regarding living cost and apartment renting in Kuwait.
Is there safe enough to bring my spouse and one child?
and what's the range of salary that would be paid to an engineer with 10 years experience?
You can post me by email : [email removed]
Thanks in advance.Farhad 06 Nov 2007, 11:38 - Report -
Moving to Kuwait (Shipping your personal items)
For those of you thinking of coming to Kuwait, please feel free to contact me as I can help you transport your items to this country. I wok for an International Shipping co. Please find below my profile:
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce my company and myself. My name is Mohammed Ziad; I am handling the sales services in Al-Ghanim Barwil Shipping Company (ABS), which is a very reputed company worldwide.
ABS has around 260 offices world wide with a capability to handle imports and exports as well as clearance and logistics. We have been operating in Kuwait successfully for the last 35 years and offering end-to-end logistic solutions to a large group of consignees here in Kuwait.
We are representing many shipping lines like OOCL, WWL,ACT, ARC, RORO and others. Further, we have global contracts with many Airlines like Kuwait Airways and Lufthansa Airlines as well as others.
We work with companies, but also have a department exclusively for individuals looking to transport their personal effects where we have door-to-door services.
If interested in our services, please feel free to contact me so we can set up an appointment where we can meet and go further into details about the services we offer. I will be glad to be of service.
Please find attached our company profile FYI.
Best regards,
Mohammed Ziad
Sales Executive, Alghanim Barwil Kuwait
Barwil Unitor Ships Service
Mobile: +965 6911896
Fax: +965 4610697
E-mail: [email removed]
Part of Wilhelmsen Maritime Services
a Wilh. Wilhelmsen Group Company
Moh'd Ziad 19 Feb 2008, 12:02 - Report -
Import/Export to Kuwait
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce my company and myself. My name is Mohammed Ziad; I am handling the sales services in Al-Ghanim Barwil Shipping Company (ABS), which is a very reputed company worldwide.
ABS has around 260 offices world wide with a capability to handle imports and exports as well as clearance and logistics. We have been operating in Kuwait successfully for the last 35 years and offering end-to-end logistic solutions to a large group of consignees here in Kuwait.
We are representing many shipping lines like OOCL, WWL,ACT, ARC, RORO and others. Further, we have global contracts with many Airlines like Kuwait Airways and Lufthansa Airlines as well as others.
We work with companies, but also have a department exclusively for individuals looking to transport their personal effects where we have door-to-door services.
If interested in our services, please feel free to contact me so we can set up an appointment where we can meet and go further into details about the services we offer. I will be glad to be of service.
Please find attached our company profile FYI.
Best regards,
Mohammed Ziad
Sales Executive, Alghanim Barwil Kuwait
Barwil Unitor Ships Service
Mobile: +965 6911896
Fax: +965 4610697
E-mail: [email removed]
Part of Wilhelmsen Maritime Services
a Wilh. Wilhelmsen Group Company
Moh'd Ziad 19 Feb 2008, 12:04 - Report -
Already in Kuwait..!!
I have just moved to Kuwait from UK and have now been in the country for over 6 months. I know the below is not a qualified or comprehensive description of living in the country but its a very fair view point;
The tax free money is the biggest plus about the country. That coupled with the fact that the country is still affordable (housing, food, cars..) as compared to other gulf countries like UAE or Qatar. Family life is farily good, you can make a lot of friends because almost everyone is in the same boat as yourself. The social life revolves around family time, social parties or beach activities. You can't just go for a long drive or go out to enjoy the countryside as both are non existant.. But you can hop on a plane and go to Dubai, Bahrain, Jordan quite cheaply (Al Jazeera airlines same as Ryan or EasyJet)
Driving is the most stressful activity that you will do in a day. Even the expats very soon forget all the basic road etiquetes and soon begin to drive like the locals. Having said that, buying or leasing a 4x4 is not expensive and if you are a cautious driver then you should be ok.
Schooling standard is almost on par with the schools back in the UK. I have a 4 year old and he will be going to the English School (TES), you do have a choice when it comes to schools. I would advise going and speaking with the teachers and the principal and also try and sit through a few lesson observations to get a feel for the school.
There is restriction in the country on alchohol, but you can buy (expensive), smuggle (risky) or home brew (does'nt taste the same!) Just be careful about drinking and going out as I have heard people getting deported if caught drinking.
The public beaches are absoultely horrible! But having said you could join the Palms or SAS and enjoy the private beach, pools, gym, beach activities and not worry about what you are wearing or who is sitting next to you.
I still think that for a family Kuwait is a safe and quiet place to be in. it is not very exciting and does not offer choice but you get to spend a lot of time with your family and do things together. 6 month stint in the country and then a short trip abroad is what I will be doing with my family.RK British Citizen in Kuwait 24 Feb 2008, 07:47 - Report -
Check out
They have different categories like "real estate", "for sale" and "jobs" 26 Feb 2008, 05:57 - Report -
tizi wawa
Mormor 20 Apr 2008, 08:38 - Report -
hi all please suggest
hi am 26 male from india delhi moving to kuwait on 25th may am looking for 1 single room attached bath can be a independent room or sharing a 1 bedroom flat both ways ok if anybody can help.
vijay singh 13 May 2008, 06:07 - Report -
my email id
send me the replies on my email id [email removed]
vijay singh 13 May 2008, 06:11 - Report -
Employment Opportunities in Kuwait
Hi, I am afrom Southe India. Have worked in the very Sr., management leve & put in about 30+ years experience in various fields of Shipping Agency, Chartering, Ship Broking,Freight Forwarding, Logistics, Supply Chain mnagement,clearing & Forwarding, Air cargo and Air travel, ICD Management etc. Can u recomend me a suitable Sr. level positon in shipping.
Kadaviparambil 22 May 2008, 05:14 - Report -
Employment Opportunities in Kuwait
Hi, I am afrom Southe India. Have worked in the very Sr., management leve & put in about 30+ years experience in various fields of Shipping Agency, Chartering, Ship Broking,Freight Forwarding, Logistics, Supply Chain mnagement,clearing & Forwarding, Air cargo and Air travel, ICD Management etc. Can u recomend me a suitable Sr. level positon in shipping.
Kadaviparambil 22 May 2008, 05:15 - Report -
moving to kuwait
hey a british national moving to kuwait...ill b arriving on a visit visa (3 months validity) in this time plan on getting a job and place to rent. Can I rent on a visit visa? and will companies be willing to transfer my visa to a work permit? will i have to leave the country and re-enter on the new one or is is different for Brits? Also if i have to register my civil id with proof of residency how do i do this if i cant rent on a visit visa? Any gud tips from anyone really struggling to find the correst info. Thanks heaps guys...
Nicky 29 Jul 2008, 10:00 - Report -
visit VISA
no, you can't rent on a visit VISA
dj 07 Aug 2008, 09:50 - Report -
living in kuwait
if you're smart, you'll go to Dubai instead..Kuwait has nothing to offer and Dubai is much more fun, especially if you are single. I lived there for a year and couldn't get out fast enough (Kuwait).
dj 07 Aug 2008, 09:52 - Report -
Bahrain and Qatar are much better than Kuwait, also.
dj 07 Aug 2008, 09:59 - Report -
living in Kuwait
I am from Ireland, and worked as an air hostess in Kuwait and HATED it. It's a lousy place to be an attractive female. You can't dress the way you want and get away with it, drink legally, etc. I now live in Bahrain and it's great. Lots more fun and LOTS of men to party with. (the Americans have a huge Navy base there). I strongly suggest Bahrain over Kuwait unless you enjoy being bored
Sharon 08 Aug 2008, 10:43 - Report -
thank god kuwait is not like dubai etc.
i hope it's conservative values remain, i hope it never becomes a tourist attraction, keeps it's tradition - westerners need to respect this fact, britain has lost it's culture - it belongs to the whole world, kuwait belongs to kuwait. i have so much fun here, it's so relaxed (apart from the stress on the roads) social gatherings are great fun, and for concerts and nite clubs just jump on a plane for the weekend to dubai - the lifestyle is good and anything is possible in kuwait, but respect it and it will respect you back.
happy in kuwait 20 Aug 2008, 09:28 - Report -
Kuwait is Best place for Families..
The real life is not mean only ( Drink alcoholic, parties, be naked in the beach, searching for sex ! )
who will live in Kuwait he or she looking for relaxing and safe place to take care of their family and kids..
Kuwait it's a wonderful place for who have a family, ask your self what you need when you moving to Kuwait with your family?
2-respect your life
3- YOU will be sure that your kids won't go to have sex or drink alcoholic away your eyes.
4-you have much more time to spend time with your family while you get a perfect sallary and good future for your kids
anyway if you are single, don't come to kuwait for clubs because who traveling to other side of the world he looking for best future and also get fun in respect way...
in the end don't forget the Life is not only Drinks and gurls or guys !Kuwaiti 04 Sep 2008, 02:06 - Report -
Soon in Kuwait
Hi everyone! i'm moving to Kuwait in December, I'm a 30 y.o. spanish architect, single, and certainly worried about some of the comments here about the absence of night life -Now I life in Madrid, with an amazing life, a city that never sleeps-. I'm sure i'm not the only one in the country under this circunstances, so i write here in order to meet a cool group of people -boys and girls- who live in Kuwait and want to enjoy as much as they can their time in Kuwait. As someone said before, life is what you make of it, and i want to have a great time in Kuwait. If such "cool group" doesn't appear by here, i propose those who might feel agree with this comment to write me! [email removed]
Gonzalo 24 Sep 2008, 11:34 - Report -
New Expat Blog about Kuwait
I would like to introduce my Blog that deals with info about Kuwait for expats.
I would like to also invite you to visit (Kuwait Forum)AIK 27 Sep 2008, 06:38 - Report -
deaths in kuwait
Most foreigners especially americans have been killed here it is like a war zone, many young women are raped, and killed and the guys are freaking wackos women have to dress in all clothing meaning they cant show any skin and if you do show skin the guys act like its a sin not to be groaping you and trying to rape you, i have been to kuwait once for only four months and i have been talked down to beaten, raped abused imprisoned and nearly killed so im saying dont go if you value your life or your childrens life its in the middle east where terrorists would love to get there hands on some people who arent muslims and kill them in their so called holy war,
mellisa gutierez 03 Oct 2008, 09:28 - Report -
Any body who does need any kind of help or information concering the life aspects in Kuwait you can call me at 1-819-208-9999 and just leave a mesage . I go to Carleton University in Ottawa . You also can email me : [email removed]
Ed 14 Oct 2008, 10:51 - Report -
Looking for Details....
I'm looking for someone who will be able to answer as many detailed questions about an American Expat moving to and living in Kuwait.
Are there any currently “Homeschooled” American kids living in Kuwait?
Do people in Kuwait play XBOX 360 Live?
Can we bring our two dogs (Rottweilers) with us if we live in an apartment in Salmyia or Salwa?
Does Kuwait have activities for the teens such as BMX racing? Swimming? Ice Skating? Ballet? Dance instruction of any kind? Piano lessons? Drum lessons? Etc
I understand that most Kuwaiti’s have what I call “household assistants” (ie; maid, cook, nanny, etc.) Is this common for Expats as well? What could you expect to pay for such a service?
Internet (Broadband) Service in Kuwait? Plans & Prices?
Household electrical plugs? Will I need some type of converter to use my own appliances as well as the kids Nintendo and XBOX gaming units brought from the United States? Ours are all set up for 110volt here in the United States…
How much do you pay for cellular phone service? What are their plans like? Can you direct me to a website with plans/prices?
What is the cost of purchasing a large SUV to drive while living there?
Is there a subscription satellite television service there? (ie; Dish Network, etc.)
Can you answer what you know for me? Feel free to add anything I may not have considered. Much appreciated!!)
Summer 20 Oct 2008, 08:53 - Report -
hay im in kuwait i have good job and i looking good female friend any like pls me pls cont. with me at [email removed] and [email removed]
love 27 Oct 2008, 12:11 - Report
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