St. Christopher's School

  • Does anyone have any general knowledge about this school, or possibly know someone who works (has worked) there? A friend is applying, and I'm wondering what the general reputation is, for teachers and students, alike.

    21 May 2007, 10:20 Pete
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  • mks

    the best

    leona 02 Jan 2009, 02:49 - Report
  • Real Truth

    Yes St. Chris has it's probs like any school but it has many good points and the pupils are great so let's not forget that. Probably this site should not exist because people should say what they think to face (as I always have), and take the consequences. Yes I did not have my contract renewed after 6 years of what I think was a successful career there but c'est la vie. I enjoyed my time on the whole and now I move on to even more exciting things! No regrets and I'll always have mainly happy memories of St. Chris and it's students.
    I did not expect my situation to become a discussion point of this forum and certainly do not harbour the bitter sentiments that seem to be voiced by so many so let's forget all this unpleasantness and get on with our lives.

    LA 03 Jan 2009, 09:01 - Report
  • BSB

    I have recently moved into BSB .... my mom enquired about bot the schools but most of em didnt recom st-chris coz of bullying and wrong teaching and stuffs....
    I can assure there are the best teachers in BSB and as far as i have seen there is no indian tchr..i love BSB..they r a lot better than st-chris..........personal experience and friend's comments

    xoxo 07 Jan 2009, 02:00 - Report
  • reply

    I agree, I go to BSB too. moved from St Chris cause of all the problems with bullying! both from staff and students. BSB is been great and I am really enjoying school now.
    The teachers at St chris heat eachother and always slag off each other not grat example for the students. there is always bad feelings amongst staff which then reflects back on to the students. The enviornment is really bad amongst staff. There is always problems of some sort. its like a war zone. we always end up hearing about all the problems amongst staff in the social clubs we go to. a very unhappy bunch. glad I am well out of it. So if you value your childs education send them to BSB its great and the staff are much more relaxed. At least they get on.

    ex st chris 07 Jan 2009, 11:07 - Report
  • Question to Miss Mangin

    Are you telling us that you were not sacked because of your drinking problems?
    I thought the email stuff was all rubish.I thought the head teacher found out about you turning up to school regularly with a hungover and made some sub story about emails. How sad! so they would have kept you on dispite your drinking problems if it was not for some silly emails you sent probably while drunk!

    Six form student 08 Jan 2009, 11:33 - Report
  • Miss Mangin + Anonymous Arsehole

    Firstly, in case you haven't noticed, consistant accusations can be considered as harassment. Especially false ones. If you think Miss Mangin made your life a living hell, what a great way to play the good guy and be just as nasty (or so you claim) in return.

    I was also a student of Miss Mangin's, and was aware that she went through a hard time during a break up between her and her boyfriend. She was planning to leave St. Christopher's and move in to another country with her boyfriend, however, things did not work out as planned. At this point, Miss Mangin did appear upset and cried a few times during our lessons. The class truly felt sorry about the entire situation and made her life as easy as possible during this time. I was never aware of any sort of drinking problem- obviously if there was one it did not affect her teaching skills.

    What's more, you may be feeling upset because Miss Mangin moves at a swift pace of teaching. You might be feeling bitter that you didn't get the A you deserved because you needed to go over things a bit slower. If this is the case, may i suggest requesting to move down a set (for future reference at least)

    And finally, when my class heard about Miss Mangin's dismissal, a huge email discussion was set up between the entire class. There was not one person who didn't care. As a class we set up a leaving dinner for her as well as writing a letter to the British Council and letters to the GDN to express our outrage.

    So I think I'm justified in speaking on behalf of my class when I say sod off.

    SOV 10 Jan 2009, 07:22 - Report
  • teaching at st christophers

    I am/or was interested in teaching in the Bahrain being disillusioned with British schools and having being a teacher for 4 years I was interested in St Christopher's current vacancies but the comments on this forum have really concerned me, racism and staff bullying? Can anyone shed any professional teaching light on this please?

    Confused, UK 10 Jan 2009, 08:27 - Report
  • Reply to SOV

    Guess Hitler had supporters and people that thought he was a great leader too! Does that mean he was not racist against Jews?
    That's all I have to say.
    Guessing from the language you used you would have been a supporter of someone that used similar language skills to express their self.

    Best of Luck

    I 11 Jan 2009, 09:28 - Report
  • My honest and professional opinion

    St Chris is a good school for teachers that want to come out here have a bit of fun, save money and leave. If you value education; have a forward thinking and an open personality you will not fit in. There is a culture of intimidation and bulling amongst management and staff. Students are lovely though parents can be a bit of a pain complaining just about anything. There are a lot of teachers that have been here for a long time. Depends on what kind of a person you are really. Also you have to be aware that there is no loyalty you can be there doing a great job and not have your contract renewed (The school is not obliged to give a reason and they get away with it). Bahrain is friendly but small and so gossip spreads fast! The school does offer a good package in return of ownership of you. Hope this is helpful!

    Teacher 15 Jan 2009, 09:37 - Report
  • Let me break it down..

    i've been at st-chris my entire life, and as a student in the senior school, allow me to break it down for those of you who are bickering like little bitches:

    st-chris as a school:

    1) education
    yes, its got a high standard of education, with strict strategic disciplining of students, but that counts for nothing when the staff are sacked, jumbled and re-stocked every year. my history teacher told me that she cant help me with my coursework because she was new. despite all this, i have learned and achieved in st-chris.

    2) food
    the food in the canteen ( the so called 'tuck' shop ) is garbage, with no nutritional balance. i found a decapitated mosquito in my sandwich once, but lets remember that the canteen is not part of the school, but of a 3rd party company called "eastern bakery", so blame the shit food on them, but the failure to correct the problem on the school.

    3) teachers & students
    there is a huge mix of students in the school. from a social and behavioral point of view, there are students who are as angelic as the driven snow, that will never swear or even step on an ant. on the other hand there are students from all years ( mainly yr9 and up ) that openly drink alcohol, are excessively vulgar and even smoke cigarettes and hashish. not that they do it in the school campus or anything, but as a student i can tell you that there are a lot of them, some being my friends ( i dont judge ). this is a parental problem, but once again reflects what they are being taught in school. as for the teachers... well .. since everyone is so hyped up about the miss mangin controversy, this is the honest truth: she moved me down a set because i did poorly on 1 test ( due to lack of sleep ) and when i told her that i didnt want to move down because i honestly felt i belonged in her set, she went berserk on me. i was moved back up a set within 1 f***ing term...
    she carried her belongings in a bag that was intended for tuborg beer, and even had a picture of beer on it. what an impression... never the less she was a good teacher, and taught me what i had to know.

    i wont tell you how brilliant or 'shitish' the school is. form your own opinion from my perspective as a student.

    to a note from people saying that it seems like all st. chris student swear and have poor english:
    its called teenagehood/msn speak. if typing in short hand wasn't easier, im sure people wouldnt do it. as for the swearing, its called teenagehood. i wonder what your teenage child says when your not in the room....

    done deal.

    the real deal 16 Jan 2009, 03:42 - Report
  • Re: Miss Mangin

    I heard all about what happened to you with ther joke email - I was working in the junior school at the time (and we all had our emails checked too), a few days after I myself was asked to leave the school as I have an illness (which doesn't affect my work) but the school didn't want someone like me maybe marring the image of their "perfect" school. I hope you managed to start your life afresh without the stress of st. chris - I know that personally being told to leave st chris was the best thing that happened to me! I found Nadeen school where I was truely happy!

    Anon. 17 Jan 2009, 10:55 - Report
  • BSB v St Chris

    Both these schools are excellent and both get good results. Bahrain is a great place but very transient so teachers come and go as do the students....

    Mum 21 Feb 2009, 04:41 - Report
  • concerned

    Does anyone know what is going on with the Math teachers at St Chris. My son had 5 different math teachers since September and now being taught by the head teacher because the latest teacher left unexpectedly too. I am really frustrated and was wondering if there are other parents that share the same concern. Any advice? Planning to approach the principle with this but I feel that I will not be given a truthful reason to why this keeps happening? I keep hearing that the head of Math is a very hard man to work and get on with!

    Mum 23 Feb 2009, 06:25 - Report
  • teaching in bahrain


    i'm considering teaching in Bahrain this year and wondered if anyone would care to offer advice on living and teaching in bahrain.



    kerriekate 23 Feb 2009, 06:53 - Report
  • Reply to concerned mum

    My son also had several teachers teaching him Math. His performance in Math has gone downhill since going to senior school this September. I had to get him a privet tutor and fork out more money because the current situation is a joke. There is a serous problem in the department and I believe that the school is finding it very hard to recruit good Math teachers. I don’t think they want to work with the likes of the current head of Math. I too heard he is a bully! He teaches my daughter and she really dislikes him. I don’t know why the school doesn't just give the responsibility of leading the department to a friendlier and more welcoming teacher who will motivate his staff rather than scare them away? Just a thought!!

    Parent 10 Mar 2009, 08:12 - Report
  • st.chris

    st.chris is the best school.u have to study there.

    as22587 12 Mar 2009, 12:55 - Report
  • Teachers, Race & Performance

    Having read the posts above, can anyone help in comparing St Chris, BSB and Nadeen as regards the following:
    - Is the phenomenon of teachers coming and going something that one finds more at St Chris, or is it something that happens at the other schools as well with an equal or similar frequency?
    - What is the approximate makeup of the three schools as regards both teachers and students in terms of their racial background?
    - Which of the schools delivers results (both formal and social) along the lines of the top independent schools in Britain, such as in getting each child to perform to his/her potential?
    Thank you to all those who have taken time to respond to the many questions already raised by others above - they have helped in putting together my questions. I am especially interested in hearing from current or ex-parents and teachers. Thanks again.

    Parent looking to move from UK 17 Mar 2009, 04:32 - Report
  • Reply to Parent moving to Bahrain

    BSB: Very good in terms of delivering results both formal and social. The school principle is nice so teachers are happy to stay a longer term and as a result there is some kind of stability. Facilities in their current senior school site are not so good compared to St Chris Generally, a happy and friendly school with a healthy mix of international students. The senior school is moving to a new location with excellent facilities in September!!
    St Chris: excellent facilities and along the same line as BSB in terms of results. However, the current principle is not a nice man and the head of the senior school is incompetent; naturally teachers are unhappy and this has an impact on their stay and performance. Unhealthy mix of students; there has been racial incidents recently which of course had negative impact on students and employees; a culture of bulling amongst staff and students alike. However, there are students, parents and teachers that are happy otherwise they would not exist!
    Nadeen: An excellent primary school with a healthy mix of international and national students and known to be very friendly but its in town so might experience some traffic depending on where you are going to live.

    Hope this is helpful!

    Tanya 17 Mar 2009, 07:43 - Report
  • My penny's worth

    I have 2 children at St Chris's, 1 at the junior school and the other at the senior school.
    We are quite happy with the junior school however we do have several issues with the senior school not the least of which is the lack of communication. We often perceive that the school see's there is no place for parent involvement short of the PTA, which goes against the grain, as our ethos is that school and parents should act in partnership with the aim of getting the best out of kid's.
    I agree with much of what Disappointed Fee Payer at St Chris's stated, particularly "I do not believe it puts it students 1st!" and "The school thrives for 1 reason only, there is little choice."
    With respect to the quality of teaching... I know there are some excellent teachers there (I know several of them personally)but I do question the motivation of many and Teacher summed it up by saying "St Chris is a good school for teachers that want to come out here have a bit of fun, save money and leave. If you value education; have a forward thinking and an open personality you will not fit in."
    I do take issue with the comment "Students are lovely though parents can be a bit of a pain complaining just about anything." in as much as a parent who is motivated and wants the best for their children (and pays your great salary) has the RIGHT and RESPONSIBILITY to question and comment if they perceive that their children are not getting what they need from the school.
    To close, we are here in Bahrain for the long term (and are very happy about doing so) however we have reached the point where we are considering other options for our kid's education including sending them home (to the other side of the world) to boarding school where we know they will receive a standard of education far superior to what is on offer at any of the schools here.

    Rangi 23 Mar 2009, 10:23 - Report
  • Rangi

    so why St Christopher's senior school is not so popular with the parents like its junior section? are they not part of the same school?
    Is it something to do with management?
    is it better to consider St Chris for our junior child and BSB for senior? Is there any other choices of schools other than those two?

    Parent 23 Mar 2009, 06:21 - Report
  • Parent

    The junior school has more of a pastoral approach as they tend to have a more caring and nuturing approach towards the children. The schools are separate with different administration's (perhaps that is a reason for the different approach)and they are located on different campus's also.
    I know family's with children at the BSB and they are more than happy with the school. As to any other's, I'm sorry I can't help you there although I have it on good authority that Nadeem has a good reputation for juniors.

    Rangi 23 Mar 2009, 07:40 - Report
  • Our Experience

    In our experience, St Chris' students are very 'worldly' - kids trying to show how grown up they are - and BSB students aren't. We've found St Chris students to be very snooty and arrogant, it has a reputation of being the 'cool school' in Bahrain. If swearing, smoking and sex talk is 'cool' now, then it is. St Chris may say it is the best, but just because they say it, doesn't make it so. I've yet to see any 'Top Ten Best' list with St Chris' in it.
    I'm a parent of 6 children, our oldest attended a typical UK comp, St Chris is no better than the schools they went to. And you are paying for this.
    We've found BSB, to be the better school for our children. Our son went to St Chris for 6 weeks and it was the worst experience of his life. He's much happier at BSB and his grades have improved dramatically, even in his worst subject.
    I just hope it stays as good when they move to the new school site in September when the number of classes in each year doubles. The junior school have managed this, so maybes the senior school will too.

    Brit Expat Mum 08 Apr 2009, 09:25 - Report
  • Nick wilson

    Nick wilson is a joke and a secondary educator at best. He uses intimidation and threats towards us and he needs to be kept in check.

    Grim 13 Apr 2009, 03:50 - Report
  • Reply

    I couldn't agree more with Grim's comment!
    and this is the feeling across St Chris's senior school staff. No one has any respect for him. His incompetency is so visible amongst staff and parents.
    who on earth upraises him are they blind!!!!

    Staff 13 Apr 2009, 02:21 - Report
  • plus

    st chris' computer security system is out of date..

    friendly hacker 21 Apr 2009, 05:02 - Report
  • Teachers Race Performance etc

    Many thanks Tanya, Rangi and Brit Expat Mum for your very helpful comments following my post of 17 March. I hope to provide my own (initial) observations after I visit the schools, when next in Bahrain.

    Parent looking to move from UK 21 Apr 2009, 12:25 - Report
  • Disappointed

    I only recently came across this forum and to the Parent looking to move from UK I would say - don't expect to get your moneys worth or even near it. I have experienced many different types of schools overseas and at home. I think this is the worst I've come across, especially when its fee paying. The communication with parents is minimal, the school automatically takes a defensive stand. Teachers have even told me if they had kids they wouldn't send them to school here. It is a pity because Bahrain is a friendly place but St Chris lacks community (this forum and the voices prove it). Cant speak for the BSB parents, but I know of kids who have been drunk at school there. Hope this gives an insight.

    Concerned Parent 05 May 2009, 01:21 - Report
  • need the monthly fees of bsb or term fees

    im a mother of a girl aged 14 years old i want her to join the bsb and i want to know the monthly fees of that school ..
    can i have a fast answer pls. i just came from british and dont want her to be late to school

    thank you

    mrs ashley 12 May 2009, 06:58 - Report
  • To Mrs Ashley

    The fees of BSB is given on their website. Is there any particular reason why you want your daughter to join BSB? Is your decision based on a survey/feedback of the schools in Bahrain? Keen to know as I too have a daughter about 14 years of age and wondering which school would be best for her.

    Totally confused 13 May 2009, 02:22 - Report
  • Truth be told

    Education from years 7-9 are over-rated. Yes, your kids should learn , and yes they should be motivated and encouraged, but i doubt learning how to make mayonaise will prove usefull in life. ( As they teach in science )

    Conceptual 20 May 2009, 11:18 - Report
  • Nick Wilson (Head of St. Christophre's Senior School)

    The worse ever head teacher I have come across. He is totally unsuitable for this position and should be asked to step down. It's embarrassing for a school of this caliber to have a head teacher of this quality! A leader that lacks confidence and communication skills. This is evident amongst staff and parents alike so why is it not been addressed or at least discussed with him so that he is aware of it. Maybe a course or two on effective communication will help improve the situation though I doubt it as he does not have the leadership personality. I hope no one thinks I am being horrible I am just airing the opinion of 99% of st Christopher’s senior school staff as well as most of the parents I have spoken to. This situation makes me feel awkward and uncomfortable. Having a dummy as my line manager is a bit frustrating and most of all its embarrassing.

    Staff 26 May 2009, 02:02 - Report
  • St chris

    Dear all
    Vat the hell is wrong vith guys of british school, ur uniforms are bad, ve do have girls who wear short skirts but it is their choice to vear dem, its not our fault but they vanted.
    British school is very very very bad because they do not teach properly and one person in one of de classes in our school went to british school and came back a few weeks later he didnt like it.

    Sundeep 02 Jun 2009, 10:30 - Report
  • St chris and BSB

    Why is everybody fighting about this, I mean come on, they are both good schools and this forum is just really biased. I am in year 7 of St chris and Im having no problem and what do you mean bullying problems. ALL SCHOOLS HAVE THOSE! My point is that people make up things so one school gets more money than the other. And no we have not mixed up our Science GCSE and english A-level. You pick whatever school you want to go to and do not argue about it.

    Thank you for reading
    Year 7 Student

    Salman 02 Jun 2009, 03:50 - Report
  • Making things up?

    I don't think you were around when my son was at St Chris, so as for his experiences, you are not able to judge.
    As for people saying things just 'so one school gets more money than the other', St Chris school is HUGE compared to BSB, charges more so therefore will get more money than BSB. That is a fact. How many are in your class? My son had 24 in his form group and his year had 6 forms. That is an awful lot of money. His class at BSB has 18 and has 3 form groups. As you can see, St Chris has more than double the revenue.

    Brit Mum 02 Jun 2009, 05:43 - Report
  • St Chris V BSB

    My son had 3 non Western teachers in his year, so clearly, not all teachers were of western origan. His year head was an Arab!
    After school clubs - as their are so many children, they were always over subsribed. My son didn't manage to get into any. Incidently, the is a school ski trip which my son wanted to go on. His letter clearly said if the deposits weren't in school by break time the next day, he wouldn't get a place. He went straight to the office before school, he was second in the 'line' and he was number 24. Where the other 22 children? Their parents had rang the school to 'reserve' a place for an extra 10BD, as long as the 200BD was in before the end of the month their child could go. That's hardly fair or as per their 'Offical' letter.
    As for school fees, St Chris is 100 BD a term more, not the same.

    Brit Mum 02 Jun 2009, 05:54 - Report
  • Bahrain

    interesting discussion... anyway what is it like to live in BAhrain as a non-indian? does everyone get treated the same, men woman?different races? just curious because there is a slight chance we might be moving there from SA

    B 11 Jun 2009, 12:55 - Report
  • St Chris

    Well we think St Chris is great !!

    Stan 11 Jun 2009, 02:34 - Report
  • To B

    Bahrain is sunny most of the time, although at times hazy or dusty. But you will be quite comfy because everything is airconditioned. You may feel the summer heat and the harsh winter only when you have to walk a little to your car. Life is good for non-Indians. There are good restaurants, shopping malls, social clubs and sports clubs. One negative point is that there are too many traffic jams on the roads these days and travelling even small distances ( and worse: finding parking) is difficult.

    SS 14 Jun 2009, 10:43 - Report
  • St Chris Staff

    I will be starting a new job teaching at St Chris's in August; this forum hardly makes for uplifting reading at all and I can't say I'm looking forward to it after reading these comments.

    New teacher 16 Jun 2009, 09:43 - Report
  • To The New Teacher

    Please don't feel so disheartened with the comments people have been making in this forum. Teachers and students make a school, and teachers guide students. So if the teachers are excellent, the school gets an excellent reputation. st chris is like any other good school and with your whole-hearted contribution, the school should get even better. Please do your best.

    a parent of st chris student 18 Jun 2009, 10:19 - Report
  • To The New Teacher

    Teaching internationally is a great way to develop professionally. It will be an excellent experience for you just don't expect the support and the rights you would get in the UK. Generally speaking most international schools operate in a manner that is different to what we are used to in terms of professional boundaries and freedom of speech; some schools are worse than others. Unfortunately, St. Chris is one of the worse ones sorry to say! However, British School in Bahrain is classed as one of the better ones.
    Please don't let this discourage you as I am sure if you were after job security you wouldn't have applied for an international post. Obviously you have a sense of adventure. So, you would love it whatever the outcome. Sometimes working in schools like St. Chris makes you stronger! Good Luck.

    MS 18 Jun 2009, 04:13 - Report
  • All these commenst!!!!

    OOOOH im so tempted to make a comment but as im still employed by the school i wouldnt dare!!!

    Anon St C staff 23 Jun 2009, 11:51 - Report
  • to Anonn

    Why on earth r u afraid???. u r intiteled to an openion.
    R u trying to say that St. Chris stripped u of that.
    ur Anon after all!!
    let us know ur views, they are important to new commers like me.
    is it that bad?

    new staff 23 Jun 2009, 07:26 - Report
  • Generally....

    Teachers at St Chris work hard and don't get any recognition for it....just a simple well done would be nice but not a thing! There is a bullying issue from Senior Management and Middle management. It all depends on whether or not you drink at the rugby fit in. Stagnation and narrow mindedness seem to fit the bill.

    Bullied 24 Jun 2009, 08:03 - Report
  • Terrible !! ( to, The new staff who wrote on 23 June)

    Atrocious spellings.. intiteled-openion-commers(sic) ...if that's the standard of English of a new staff member in a "British style school in Bahrain", God bless !!

    Shocked 25 Jun 2009, 11:25 - Report
  • Al Noor International School Bahrain - Any Information ??

    Any one has information on Al Noor International School.....What is its rank in Bahrain....Teaching atmosphere....working salary for a primary teacher with 15 yrs it a safe place to work etc

    Aman 03 Jul 2009, 11:51 - Report
  • Al Noor International School Bahrain - Any Information ??

    Hi Friends,

    Any information on this school.....ranking, standard, working environment as elementary teacher, amenities..

    App. salary that an elementary teacher with 16-17 yrs experience can expect in bahrain

    App. cost of living ALL INCLUSIVE p.m.

    It will be of good help to hear from some one

    Aman 04 Jul 2009, 06:01 - Report
  • Al Noor School

    To Aman

    It depends on where you are coming from! It's a good school for the local children that seek international education. Salary ranges between 200-250 BD per month. Not a lot!! Cost of living in Bahrain is high. Rent is expensive.

    khlood 05 Jul 2009, 09:18 - Report
  • disgusted

    Working at St Chris is like being on the weakest link. You could get voted out at any round! It could be because you are the weakest link or the way you look! No rules. A very sad school! Shame about the teacher's who are willing to be part of this Mafia like organization that is run by total crooks. Where is your professional duty? I know it's hard to say no to good money but when it's between money and professional integrity and duty you should make the right choice. I am disgusted!!! The management would face serious charges if they were back in the UK. My advice anyone thinking of applying to work for the Great St Chris is selling their self short. No amount of money is worth the humiliation and abuse they will subject you to. So, my penny's worth don't even think about joining this school unless you are a crook you're self.

    Teacher 09 Jul 2009, 08:16 - Report
  • International schools bahrain

    Riffa Views International School, an independent, college preparatory, not-for-profit organization, offers an American education founded on research and current best practice, facilitated by an enthusiastic and compassionate faculty.

    RVIS 10 Jul 2009, 10:10 - Report
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