Permis de séjour ou résidence pour compagne cohabitante américaine

  • Bonjour,

    Mon amoureuse est de nationalité américaine et elle me fait l'immense bonheur de venir nicher avec moi et mon fils en Corse. Elle peut rester 3 mois sans problèmes, mais quid après? quel type de permis de séjour doit-elle demander? quels papiers doit-on fournir?

    23 Apr 2007, 05:33 Kinara
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  • visa for american partner of french citizen

    i am in the same situation. i am american and my boyfriend is french. she has to ask for a long sejour visa from the french consulate in the states closest to her home. i asked for a six month visa because that was the quickest visa i could ask for (anything longer than six month visa takes two months to process, whereas six months or less is processed within a week). she can ask for as long as she wants, but she also has to provide proof of having enough money to support her for that period of time without working in france, and she also has to buy travel insurance for that time. it is also expensive for the visa. alternatively, you can get married and then ask for long time visa for spouse of french citizen. that is what we are going to do now, as we don't want to have to keep dealing with visas and we want to stay together.

    eli z 13 Jul 2007, 08:45 - Verstoß melden
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