YES HE RIGHT the guy above

  • Yes your right you are liying thieves but you must not have readed all my stuff I AM NOT A REDNECK I lived on the Bayou of Louisiana my father haves royal French blood and he speaks Cajun. Making him any thing but a REDNECK he been called many things but mostly he likes to be called CONASS. WHY??? Because of the English and the REDNECKS made fun of the Cajuns for living on the Bayon. The English killed many Acadian and Cajuns just for fun so Conass became an honor for many Cajuns not an insult for those that don't know CONASS is an insult in French to woman meaning - obscene term for female genitals - but today it means - Frenchy lives on Bayou - in Louisiana. The French people don't even know this part of thier history so to the Frenchy you are liying thieves but that I'm CONASS and proud of it because I not a thife. As to what you said to me "fuck off" why don't you come here and say it to my face! He can not because he haves no PUDEUR (a French word that haves no exact word in English). The best I have found is it a way of life; a right given to ever one, a philosophy - sense of propriety, decency, prudery, honor and pride in one selfs in ever part of thier lifes all roll in to one word in French. To have PUDEUR is a life time work a job some thing the French have lost. It was taught in French schools not today. The French have not only lost PUDEUR but work at not haveing any little bit of PUDEUR come back to them it a job. A way of life now, to undo PUDEUR a philosophy. The French have gotten so good at it that the French are better a it then most Americans. The French might be the best in the world at it bring back some pride but then some how mess it up just because it may bring back PUDEUR and that the last thing thier want. Being good at it is OK but not the best. You might think that thier are the best undoing PUDEUR but it an insult to the French as you can see from the guy above now he very mad but what he going to do? I have no idae. Most likey hide from me that a Frenchy for you. I was born but rise in the States with my American father I not a Frenchy or the people here in France are not Frenchy but to be clear I'm not one of them even though I now live in France.

    Ivan Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 15 Mär 2009, 02:07 - Verstoß melden
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French people are rude?

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