To Terry

  • What can I say but your but your right. I like to add I did found a French man that thank me for being here because of my father WWII he was very happy I was here,he was old and now dead. The people are just mean here any more and dont care about nothing but the COUNTRY is nice. It the new French people the last 50 years the people have felling into a toilet and their like there and when people like you come around and tell them what on the outside their bite your head off. You see the French do know that thier in a toilet acting like their not is a joke for them show the system their smarter. It a game of cat and mouse. And show the French have come to believe their the cat knowing full well their are the RAT. I saw a guy tell some one to F%#@ off and then I ask what happen nothing is what he told me. The French dont get upset like you do in fact he say F%#@ off all day come home and tell his wife he had a good day. The next to him said say F%#@ off one more time them him it's the other guy that had a bad day. I told to F%#@ off because I use the right verb in French to an old woman she said I know the verb becasue my French was good enough that I do not want to use it because I was a mean American to go and play with my cell phone. Why all Americans have cell phones. I was wrong that it I have done many times over many years so to say it only a few people it's not. The French people dont see it because they do it to other people because other people do it to them but you ask any body oh it happens but not ever day to ever one. YEH I see it ever day to many many people so to any Frenchy that I am liar I tell look for youself and see. I am sure Terry found one no one thousand of them in a heart beat I guess you not coming to France. That all right I will do some thing for you. I have plans to kick some @ss I put you name on one just for you. Come back and I tell what I did and were.

    Ivan Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 17 Jan 2009, 04:43 - Verstoß melden
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French people are rude?

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