The pathetically rude French

  • Hi,
    My heart goes out to you people because yes, its true, the French tend to be an exquisitely rude and aggressive people.I am a student living in France for the year and am looking foward with avid anticipation to leaving it.I have visited many other countries including America and have never encountered any problems like I have in France. Their level of rudeness and arrogance is shocking. I am a polite person and am constantly overwhelmed by the level of rudeness and general ill- will on the street, in shops, in everyday life. Also, the level of unwanted attention from men is absolutely repulsive. I dress in a classy way pearls etc. and just because I am seen as attractive I get men shouting comments out of car windows in a very aggressive manner. I have never experienced this in my life prior to coming to France. By the way, I never way skirts or dresses and I dress in a very conservative style. I am saddened because I had thought France was all about culture and elegance and I loved studying the French language. Now, I question my career with the French language as I cannot bear to associate myself with a language belonging to such an arrogant, aggressive people. It does'nt take Einstein to get a glimpse into the French mentality: Look at Nicolas Sarkozy who has illustrated himself as an aggressive, imfamously tempermental statesman across world media.

    Maire 26 Mai 2009, 07:53 - Verstoß melden
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French people are rude?

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