• Hi everyone
    I'm French and I just wanna clarify some points here. I respect all opinions and ideas, believe me I try to be open minded.
    First you have to make a BIG BIG difference between people living in Paris (the Parisians) and the other (Provinciaux). People are so different in their culture (even if they are all French), habits and even their accent. It's like if you were changing country. I really do understand that tourists especially American ones, want to travel to Paris because they have heard stories or seen movies. Please don't judge all the French by just going one week to Paris, I know some of them are stupid but you cannot generalize. Parisians are the worst people to live with in France.
    The second point I want to clarify is the fact that we are not racists, not at all. In our history we've tried to fight against racism and nowadays even if the context is different we still try to fight against racism. There are still some racists I know but like in the US, Germany, Spain, Italy... Believe me, our speech and ideas are much less racist than many other countries I have been to, even close to France.
    Last point, we like or maybe we LOVE to complain about everything. You have to understand this, I know it can be complicated for an American or a Japanese to believe that with 6 weeks-off, many holidays...we are still complaining! that's a part of our culture, that's how we got all this benefits including social security, health insurance...
    Anyway, I hope this message will give a better idea of who are French people even if my speech is not universal.

    A plus tout le monde

    JULIEN 05 Jan 2009, 10:25 - Verstoß melden
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French people are rude?

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