French are more than stupid they are pompous arrogant and racists

  • Not only that French swines are arrogant and rude but they are PATRONIZING and that is why no sovereign nation in EU likes them! They have this amazing certitude that they are a cradle of culture and enlightenment although the truth could not be further from that statement.
    They have the filthy habit of treating everyone who is not French as a little savage and looking at others with despise or at best convalescence, when the truth is that they are a deeply racist backward orientated corrupt nation. They came out of a prevalently peasant nation and although now the major part of their population lives in the cities they kept the small spirited peasant mentality that fears everything different and out of fear hates and despises. In fact just a bunch of assholes and narrow minded twats with a heightened self esteem and an inferiority complex. Did you know that France is a biggest consumer in the world of anti depressors they start prescribing it to kids at the age of 14 and well combining that with that one wine glass per meal gives you grade a neurotics that they all are.
    Not to mention their racism towards all non french non white
    Although their hate for all non French includes the one towards the other races I still feel it deserves a special mention given the fact that they have by far the worst integration politic in the world that in consequence lead to those ghetto riots we've all seen on TV....

    Alex 08 Dez 2008, 10:54 - Verstoß melden
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French people are rude?

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