Totally wrong!

  • I m answering to that silly stereoptyped and useless comment (probably from somebody who never had a French girl in his bed!" "
    A lot of French girls I know decide to have a shower just when they feel they've become enough dirty to have one! so, some have it twice a week, others have it once a week, it depends. And when you ask them how they do to still smell so nice, they reply : "we've got perfume! and that's sufficient". Perfume is their remedy..."

    By far ,(I lived in France for about 15 years) the French girls are the one caring the most about hygiene in Europe and not to say in the US! This "legend" is as hollow as the one saying German girls never shave or saying all Americans are retards and obeses... Lets make it clear , the people consuming the more soap per year are tje French people , and be sure , everytime I had the chance to date or even make friends with them ; they always were more than clean ! More even than Japanese girls I dated that are supposed to be oh so clean...Which is a stereotype as well...
    French people are ultra clean , taking about 2 to 3 showers a day , their houses are so clean you could eat on their toilet seats....So seriously , get a French girl before writing all that "made" stuff...

    Stephen from NJ 09 Apr 2009, 06:55 - Verstoß melden
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French Girls

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